heidi 7 weeks old springer x(hopes baby)happy endings

heidi 7 weeks old springer x(hopes baby)happy endings

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings heidi 7 weeks old springer x(hopes baby)happy endings

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    heidi is beautiful she is mostly chocolate brown in colour my husband ken says she is like a rich brown velvety chocolate. she only arrived in our house this evening and has settled very well. i will post pictures tomorrow :D
    heidi asleep with her sisters


    well heidi is a beauty and has lovely long lashes, she is also the boss and likes play fighting alot :lol: we often have to remove her off one of her sisters because they are crying. she likes to chew your shoes when you are wearing them :lol: when heidi goes to sleep you will also find her at your feet it is usually me or ken but she loves sleeping at your feet. i washed heidi yesterday and she coped with it really well.
    heidi loves hers cuddles as well but only for a short time as she thinks she is missing out on some thing, but when she falls into a proper sleep she is always the last one up :)
    toilet training is non exsistent so we have started this and hopefully all goes well.


    when heidi is not sleeping she is playing she has my hands worn out when ken cathal and ryan come home heidi can play with them for awhile :lol: such a pretty little girl hope to have more pictures soon but the only time heidi and sisters stay still is asleep ;)


    heidi is very playful but she loves her sleep as much as being awake, a very inteligent little girlie she is determined to jump onto sofa and is getting close so watch this page :lol: hailey loves being in the garden and investigating, hope to put up pictures soon :D


    having problems with photobucket at moment hope to get pics up by tonight, because i have a least one decent picture of heidi and it shows how beautiful she is lying comfortable on our bed.
    heidi loves playing tug of war or hanging onto our trouser she is gentle and very good at sleeping. she loves being cuddled but is just as happy to lie at your feet, heidi is so good there is nothing demanding about her at all except when when she see’s my husband ken who give her a great back massage her sisters are usually waiting there turn as well :lol:


    heidi snuggled under hailey :D


    hi there, its great to read all about Heidi and Hailey, we are in the process of being approved (hopefully!) for adoption and would love to meet these 2 pups in the hope of offering a home to one as they are sooo cute and sound adorable! hopefully we can visit you guys soon :)


    hi sheila once you are given the go ahead, we will be delighted to meet you.
    heidi is asleep at moment after playing in the garden she is a fantastic little puppie very laid back a lot like her sister heather.


    heidi is missing her sister heather who left with her family today. heidi is an explorer she loves checking everything out in the garden, she is very pretty soft and cuddly and her eye’s are amazing they a grey/blue colour stunning with lovely long lashes :) and she often uses them on me for some loving :lol:
    heidi will make some one very happy :)


    i have spent the last few days teaching the command sit and heidi has it off to a T she is very good once she knows she is getting a treat. this little puppy is not only pretty she is inteligent as well. springer spaniels and springer spaniels crosses do very well at agility it also helps keep the bordom away :lol: so when she is older this might be something she could do :D


    heidi is a beauty, she is very eager to learn heidi can sit on command will stay when told and will not move from where she is sitting until i say so she has the ability to learn so much. because heidi is a springer cross she will be lively so please do research. heidi is used to having people around she is never left on her own for very long as i am a stay at home mammy so she really needs someone who is at home alot. i have 3 chidren of my own and one foster child who i think of as my own and a cat who is 14 yrs old so heidi gets on very well in the family unit she shows no interest in my cat.
    please do not apply for adoption if you have holidays planned as this is not the ideal situation for a puppy or older dog as it takes time for them to settle in and make sure everyone is happy to adopt. if anyone has questions feel free to ask :D


    heidi met a fantastic family today and i am so pleased that they are adopting her. i wish them so much happiness as they are getting a fantastic puppy in heidi :D


    Hi Shirley,
    Can’t wait to see you and our new baby Heidi tomorrow. Everyone is so excited. Cillian spends his time pretending to be Heidi. He sits, stays and rollsover on command for imaginary treats! Spent today getting all the bits for her, my aunt came to join in the excitement. The 3 youngest have all spent sometime in heidi’s crate pretending she’s there. Heidimania has struck.

    P.S Cillian might try and adopt Cathal as well he spoke about him all evening and his amazing footballing skills!


    :lol: louisa that is fantastic look forward to seeing you as well, heidi will love it in your home and family :D
    cathal has a big enough head :lol: so i wont mention the football part :lol:


    heidi left me yesterday for her new life. her new mom text me and she has settled very well and all the family are in love including granparents and auntys :lol:
    my little angel we loved her so much and we are delighted she has a fab family.
    looking forward to more updates :D

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