E.J – Shih Tzu – Reserved

E.J – Shih Tzu – Reserved

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings E.J – Shih Tzu – Reserved

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    Name: E.J

    Reference Number: 229

    Sex: Male

    Located: Ashton Pound

    Found: Finglas

    Date Out: 6th March 2010

    This fellas owners have been found so hopefully they will turn up for him…


    Hi, If family don’t show, I could help with foster I think. I have Sherri now Lucy Bichon from DID since oct 09, a 13 year old colie very timid and a cat :D


    Same here…I could offer him a foster / forever home if his owners don’t come along. I have no other pets in the house at the moment…and the place feels soooooo lonely!!!!! :cry:


    Same here :D After fostering Alfie (aka Simba) we’ve developed a soft spot for shih tzu’s!!


    Any word on this lovely little lads owners showing up??? Hate the idea of him in the pound! Just wana take him home!!!!!


    Myself and my Fiancee would be very interested in taking this little guy if his owners don’t come back for him. We’re looking for a small house dog and have a wonderful home to give him. Please contact me if he becomes available
    thank you


    Hi ‘GaryKav’ you need to contact Ashton Pound and fill out an adoption form. He has 2 more days to keep kept for his owners and only after that will the pound manager decide on which of the applications are best for the doggie! He no doubt will have a fanclub so maybe call up fill out your form and bring the lil man for a well earned walk in the field. :D


    hi, EJ is still in the pound, so not in the care or DID…if you’re interested in giving him a home you should head over to the pound and fill out an application on him. then the pound manager will select the best home for the little guy. he looks like a real cutie! good luck!


    this guy is in the pound and therefore can be homed directly from there. He has to do his stray time which means the date out date must be reached before he can be re-homed. If you are interested, you have to go to the pound and deal with them there directly. This dog is not under the care of Dogs in distress but under pound care. good luck!


    Hi I’ve just contacted Ashton Pound there and Julie said she will be handing E.J over to D.I.D for re-homing (because he’d need to be neutured etc before homing). I would love the opportunity to re-home this little guy, he’d make a wonderful asset to my mini family! :lol:


    Offer still stands if you need EJ fostered.
    Angela :lol:


    This little man is going into foster with Gary :D Thanks to Bronte (Siobhan) for taking him out and giving him B&B tonight ;)


    Delighted in is leaving pound and going to a good home. :D


    This guy is an absolute dream. No barking, good to my dogs despite their not liking him being here :roll: …no distruction..slept all night in the kitchen without a peep, and held his business till I came down and let him out…it was 6am so I left him again and still no complaining from him.. All he wants is to sit with you and have a cuddle..which he got plenty of…Gary will have no trouble with him at all…he’s a dote and should be snapped up… :D


    E.J is a super little dog full of love and affection. He is now with his new foster dad where I know he will receive lots of lovin’. He stayed with me for a couple of hours this afternoon. He was very good in the car on the journey home. He followed me around the house and when I went on to the computer he got up on the inside window ledge so that he could be closer and get a better look at what I was doing. He was barky with my cat, although the tail did wag all the time. She and I decided not to take any chances so we gave a wide bearth. He did not go mental when he heard her moving around upstairs so it would be difficult to say if he is an out and out cat hater. He has lots of personality, loves his toys and is food/ treat focused. He will make a great little companion for someone or a family. On the whole, he was a quiet little guy while he was here.

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