Elijah – shih tzu *HOMED*

Elijah – shih tzu *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Elijah – shih tzu *HOMED*

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    Elijah is approx. 10 mts old and is gone into foster with Niamh :D Thanks to Sinead and Nick for doing the transport ;)


    Poor lil man :( ..he looks so sad and fed up! can’t wait to give him a bath, sort that hair out and put a blanket by the fire for him tonight. I’ll keep you all posted on how he’s getting on ;)


    This little guy stayed with me for a few hours today.

    The poor little mite could hardly see as his eyes were so full of gunk! He was extremely nervous for the first 30 mins or so. Took him about 10 mins to finally come out of his crate, when he did he drank a whole bowl of water and then had a sniff around the garden…the whole time his back legs were shaking! (I thought they would buckle under his body)

    I eventually got close to give him a cuddle and he just melted in my arms…. I was absolutely heartbroken for him….

    He has some sort of eye infection, so hopefully once he gets medication that will clear up and he needs to put on a bit of weight, as his hair makes him look bulkier than he really is.

    Once he warmed to me he was a total gentleman. He chilled out in the garden with a pigs ear and was not a bother the whole time he was here!

    Thanks so much to Niamh for taking this little gem into a warm, loving foster family.

    This little boy deserves the best in life from now on!



    Well this poor lil man came into foster with me on Friday. Thanks a million to Sinead for transporting him and holding on to him for a few hours :) . Well what can I say, the picture of this guy doesn’t even half explain the state he was in :cry: . His coat was all matted and he had faeces all matted to his behind, he has chronic eye infections in both eyes, the worst Ive ever seen. I brought him straight to the vet on Friday evening and the lovely vet Pat in Lusk spent 40 minutes just trying to shave the hair around his eyes so he could have a look at his eye infection. The lil man was just absolutely terrified but let the vet do what he had to do even though it must have been really painful. The vet said his eyes were extremely bad and this was due to his hair growing into his eyes and basically blinding him. If his hair had been regularly trimmed, or even brushed, this wouldn’t have happened. Basically at the moment this guy if partially blind with very little vision. The vet gave him antibiotic injections and I have to give him eye drops 3 times a day, and already his eyes look much better. Time will tell if his vision improves. He is also VERY skinny, which isn’t obvious at first due to his coat. To say that it sickens and maddens me the state he was left in is an understatement, but Im not wasting any time or energy on the people responsible :x , its about this lil man and no one else, and this is the beginning of his new life. He is very nervous and is not used to any human company, its obvious he was a back garden dog 24/7 and got no other attention, I had the back door open on Saturday and when he went out he just sat, didnt attempt to come back in, it took him the day to realise he was allowed in to the house. But he’s started to love his ruband cuddles and comes over looking for them now which is great :D He just sits and looks at you and has the saddest face ever. I have to mention the SUPER lovely groomer,Carol in Lusk, who gave him a bath and a haircut and clipped his nails (which were curled under!!) She spent all of Saturday morning with him and was very patient and she did it all for free which was amazing!! She felt so sorry for him too. There isn’t a peep out of this guy at night time, he’s a pet. For the first 2 days he didn’t know what a bed was so would just go into the corner of the room and curl up, but he got the hang of it fairly quickly and now loves his cosy bed. As my friend said, just in one weekend this lil man has come on sooo much, so I know he has a great future ahead. He’s still quite nervous at times but I honestly cant blame him, he;s been through alot. I have some pictures of this lil man so I’ll post them up in a while.


    Oh my god the poor little pet – you are so good, and he is so lucky to have come to stay with you. I have no doubt this lad will come on in leaps and bounds ;) It does make you mad though – what kind of human being can do this to a living creature :evil: :evil:



    Elijah is stunning :D :D . Well done on sorting out this lovely little fella. :D Hope his eye sight improves and his confidence. :D :D


    So sad to see another Shihtzu in such a bad state in only a couple of weeks. He looks so smart now all groomed and clean. Hopefully his eyes will improve and this little guy will learn what a loving caring home is. Get well Elijah :D


    feel better soon elijah (such a cool name :D ) .. he looks so happy with his new ‘do!! good for you x


    amazing that poor little dog was under all that, hope he eyes get better, thank god he has you to look after him :)


    Well Elijah is coming on really well. I had him at the vets last night for a check up and there is a definite improvement with his eyes and his vision. Te vet said that it would take some time to know if his vision will improve 100% but its a good sign that in the space of a week it has imrpoved already :) . He gets his eye drops 3 times a day and is a little angel when I’m putting them in .. just stands still to let me do it :) .
    This little guy is only getting used to human contact now, and he obviously has never been around other dogs either so is still a little unsure but its only been a week so Im sure he’ll be grand ;) . My Yorkie Charlie isn’t too impressed with this little fella coz he isn’t into playing much and my guy just wants a pal to play with 24/7 :P .

    Elijah is more of a chilled out dog and plus because of his vision at the moment it must be hard on him to have a dog jumping all over him :( . He didn’t like being picked up when I got him first but it was pure nerves..but I pick him up alot now and cuddle him for a few minutes and then put him back down, just to let him know that being picked up is a good thing and now he doesnt mind me picking him up at all…in fact he’ll sometimes come over and put his paws up as if he’s asking you to pick him up :D . He’s putting on a little weight too and eating great. He’s a dream on the lead, loves his walkies .. or should I say "strolls" .. ye wouldnt be going power-walking with this guy :lol: he just likes an easy little stroll. Im training him to come back to me off the lead too and its working really well so far..he doesnt venture too far though;) . He follows me around the house aswell, even if he is asleep, if I move he follows!!! He is s dream at night time too, there isn’t a word outta him and the toilet training is going great. He loves the car, is soo chilled out he just sits there, and the minute you turn the engine on he cosies up and goes fast asleep ;) .
    As always Im amazed the trust these dogs place in us when they’ve been through so much and they’re willingness to please us and adapt to a new happy life :D . I’ll keep u all posted about this little guy but just to say that he may be looking for an extra special quiet home due to his vision and his really chilled out nature.. God knows he deserves the best :!:


    This gorgeous boy needs urgent foster, if you can help please contact Kathy on 0863696413


    Would love to help out with this little one 2, but with 2 dogs and a 4 year it might all be a bit much for him ?? especially judging by the threads, if i can help at all let me know,linda


    could take this little guy in if needed


    This little man is sorted now thanks to Marymac :D Thanks to everyone else for their offers ;)

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