Albert – Staffordshire Bull Terrier Puppy *HOMED*

Albert – Staffordshire Bull Terrier Puppy *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Albert – Staffordshire Bull Terrier Puppy *HOMED*

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    This poor baby needs urgent foster or will be put to sleep today :( Please if you can help contact Kathy on 086 3696413 ;)
    Albert is approx. 7 months old.


    did this guy get sorted? :(


    This little man is being picked up tomorrow by AlanL, thanks a million :D


    Well Albert is with us 10 days now. When he arrived he was very timid and very skinny.Rosie seemed to know he was nervous and gave him a wide berth , but Jack and Jess dived on him and gave him loads of cuddles which he loved.
    This little dog is still only young at 8 mths old, but it seems he has been through a lot. He is starting to gain confidence but still cowers away from you as you approach him. He has some issues around feeding with other dogs, he will leave his own food and try push the other dog from theirs, we are working on this daily and he is improving.He has no issues with people taking or touching himor his food while eating, and takes treats gently from the hand.
    He has been a pleasure to be around any will give you cuddles all day . I don’t know how long it will take for him to get back his confidence or if he will ever fully trust again but all signs are there for a full recovery.I doubt he was ever on a lead before but is doing well.
    Albert would love for someone to give him a special foreever home where he could give cuddles and Company and learn that people aren’t so bad. here are a few pics before, and after ten days as you can see Rosie and Albert are great Pals.


    Ah its made my night just to see how the little man is coming along gosh he was so underweight in the first photo….now however he is in the right hands and paws with yourself and Rosie…well done. Will be watching to see his future posts!


    Well done Alan & family – the difference is amazing :D


    Aw wat a sad state he was in! Thank you for helping him. His first pic is shocking. Look forward to the updates. :D


    Albert had agreat day today. He played with Rosie all day, and at meal times we kept them at diffeent parts of the garden and he done great.Jess brought him out with her and her friends a couple of times they meet new people and dogs and he done well!!!! :) :) . Also we saw his tail today as nearly all the time up to now he kept it tucked in between his legs.The other night I removed his stitches and he did not flinch, when I ‘d finished he just gave me a lick and back to sleep.He is a lovley Puppy and is starting to behave like one too, playing and having fun.

    This guy is getting better by the day, and the Way he is going I think he will soon find his new forever home ;) ;)


    Wow :o He is like a different dog – he is actually smiling :D What an amazing difference – well done ;)


    Lovin the big happy head on him :lol: :lol: :lol:


    Hope Albert is still wearing his happy head and that he now has a happy tail to match….don’t know if we will see you Sunday but it would make our day if you made an appawrence


    Albert Had a great time at the fun day. He done very well and I was very proud of how he handled it of course Rosie helped him and he never left her side ( good girl Rosie ).Over the past few days he has come on in leaps and bounds literaly jummping around the garden and in the Curragh. He and Rosie are getting on great,and he is fab at meeting new wowwows now. here is a few pics and hopefully a vid in the Curragh.

    I thought I had better pics but cant find them , Also A very big well done to all Involved in the Fun Day it was great!!!!!


    This should be a vid ( fingers x)


    Well the Vid did not work but it is up on the Dog in Distress face book page!!!
    Albert is flying and is ready for his forever home. He had a stay of two sleeps with my Mum the weekend and done great! Mam had him down the park, and he was in all new surroundings and got on great. He seemed to show his playfull side with Nephew quicker at Mams than what he does for him here, this might be because he had no Rosie to play with ??? His Condition has come on great and he is very good on the lead, the Puppy is starting to come out in him , and he is loving life and has managed to get 3 colars off and chew them as he runs around the garden looking for a game of tug-o-war with them:-)


    How’s Albert doing? Is he still munching through collars? Very nutritious I hear! :lol: Super pooch.

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