Ciara – pom cross – RESERVED

Ciara – pom cross – RESERVED

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    Ciara is an 8mt old pom cross.


    I picked Ciara up from the pound this morning. She was sick on the way home but she perked up once she got rid of it. She had a good sniff around the place when we got home and was very, very happy to get into the crate for a while. She’s in there at the moment just resting. Seems happy in there so will leave her a little while longer and then bring her out for a little walk in case she has any business she needs to attend to!! :lol:
    I THINK she’s in heat at the moment so we really will just make it a "wee" walk outside. I just noticed some little blotches on the blanket in the car. Will keep a further eye out though as she was out for a good while earlier and there was nothing on the floor or anything.
    She’s a tiny little thing with lots and lots of hair! She’s in need of a bath, which I will do in a while and then we’ll see how she gets on for the evening. Here are some better snaps of her ..


    she is gorgeous, love the colours. :D


    Just check her bits too, they will be noticeable swollen when she is in season, soon females don’t ‘bleed’ for the full three weeks, maybe only the first ten days.


    thanks YvonneM. i needed to get her weighed and buy new collar etc so took her up to our local vet who just confirmed it for me. so she’ll be locked up now til it’s all over lol ..
    she’s had a bath and is resting again now. i was a little worried about her temperament in the car on the way home from the pound as she was quite snappy with our dog and with me once but i think it was all down to feeling car sick. she really enjoyed her bath and she sat on my daughters lap on the way to the vet and just snuggled in.
    she is adorable when you rub her behind her head. her eyes start to close like she’s absolutely loving the contact :) so sweet :) i actually thought she was gonna doze off once :lol:
    she was running around the kitchen after her bath playin with our other dog and you could really see the pup coming out in her then :D
    tillygirl, her colours are fab yeah. she’s so cute. all this hair and a tiny little head and face :lol:


    ciara doesn’t seem to have a clue what to do on a lead :( .. nearly had to drag her just to get her outside the front door :lol: she just wanted to chew the lead and play with it. every so often she sat down and looked up at me – wanting me to lift her up!!!!! definitely not a dog used to being taken on walks and i reckon she’s probably been carried everywhere as she’s very content when she’s up in my arms :)
    she also has no concept of "sit" so we’ll work on that and hopefully she’ll pick it up soon enough. she’s a real lady. we’re calling her "Posh" here this afternoon :lol:
    she was fine with my kids but did get quite bored quite quickly so i’m gonna take that bit slowly and for short periods of time too just to be sure.
    she has had something small to eat and lots of water and she seems happy enough, if a little nervous, to be here. she’s been shaking more or less since we got her. poor thing :(
    i think it’s gonna take a few days for us to gain her trust but i’m sure she’ll come around!
    fingers crossed she sleeps okay tonight :)


    ciara has been renamed Lola by my daughter :lol:
    dunno why, but the name suits her to a T!
    she had a really good night and sat on my lap & we watched Grey’s Anatomy together :D :D when my husband came in she hopped off the chair and straight over to him. she was jumping up and down and was delighted when he picked her up. he brought her out to do her business before bedtime and again she fought the lead a little but she got into it and he ran a little and she ran alongside him so there’s hope yet ;)
    but then she came back into the house and wee’d in the kitchen :(
    she slept all night without a peep. i’d say she was just exhausted from all the change that yesterday brought along with it.
    this morning she didn’t start calling until i walked into the kitchen and seemed happy to see me when i took her out of her crate. i brought her straight out for a little walk outside the house and yet again she did nothing! brought her back in after a few minutes and she wee’d and poo’d in the kitchen!
    she’s a great dog but there’s a lot of lead work and toilet training work to be done on her.
    she ate her breakfast (took aaaaaaages to get her to sit for it) and gulped back a bowl of water and is now back in bed!! the door of the crate is open but she seems happy to lie in there for now.
    overall i think she’s a great dog and will make someone a very lovely little tv companion!! she loves sitting on your lap and watching telly :lol:


    She is such a beautiful lil mite!! With our first foster he was difficult with toilet training with the lead on as also didnt get wat its for for the first few days. If possible try toilets without the lead if its safe and secure it could be putting her off the matter at hand. :? And with our second foster Annabelle she did the same as soon as she came in the door she done her business inside. We didnt acknowledge the inside toilets and when she did her outside toilets she was showered with treats and loads of happy high pitched ‘good toilets’ now after a few days of this we have never had a toilet accident to the point now she sleeps in my room (aka bed :o ) and holds it all nite! I was advised while training the first thing is outside and no fussing about until business done so she has routine. I bet once she settles it’ll all fall into place…. she is a wee stunner and i can imagine she’ll be snapped up!


    jojo20, thanks for that!! i’m just afraid to bring her out without the lead for now as she’s in heat. i know our back garden is secure but i’m still petrified as she’s so little she’d find a way out :lol: my husband had her out after her food last night and she did wee & poo more or less straightaway for him. she also sat for him :lol: i’m obviously being too nice! so i’m gonna try a different approach today :lol:
    she had another really good night. there’s not a peep out of the little girl for the whole night. she seems really happy with the crate and has settled in fine :D :D :D
    she loves cuddles and still looks to be carried around the place but i have started looking away when she gives me the big sad eyes ;)
    i’d love to know what happened to this little girl as she was obviously somebody’s pet. it’s so sad as she’s a fab looking dog.
    she has even won over our collie who generally just ignores any fosters we have so she must have something!!!


    This girl is getting the hang of going on walks on the lead i think :) She pulls back a little at the start ("I’m not in the mood for this") and the end (I’m tired and want to go home") of the walks but if you keep walking she gets into the swing of it eventually :D
    She’s eating & drinking great and loves cuddles and any form of affection & attention at all!
    I reckon she’s gonna be a very low maintenance dog.
    Even though she’s still very young (around 8mths) she just seems much older in herself – kinda settled if you get me. The pup in her comes out when she’s playing with our collie though :lol:
    Will try get some more photos of her later but she moves so quick she’s hard to get decent snaps of!!


    Definitely doing much much better with the wee’s & poo’s :D
    This girl is such a cutie. Im gonna miss her when she’s gone to her forever home :(
    She spent a lot more time exploring the house today than she has any other day. I think she’s finally realised we’re alright company :lol:
    I’ve uploaded some more photos of her. She’s so relaxed here this evening .. :)

    She loves giving hugs :D


    I love her colours , such strange colours for a Pom!
    She is beautiful and looks very relaxed with you!


    Hi there, I just love this little lady. Any chance she is a papillon x. I had a pap. years ago and there is great similarity. The colouring would be more that of a pap. as well.
    Hows her temperament looking? My Papillon was fantastic, used to play football and had a huge personality. Will watch with interest. Mary ;) ;) ;)


    hi guys .. i have NO idea what this girl is lol .. the girls in the grooming place today thought she was pom too but i dunno at all. all i know is that she’s dotey!
    she was groomed today and she looks fantastic. they didn’t take too much off and just tidied her up really. her ears now look so tiny :lol:
    she was out and about with us all day today and reacted really well to everything. the car, the grooming, strangers, other dogs and kids .. there were lots of kids!! :D
    she was full of cuddles all day long which i really love about her. she just wants love and to give love. she’s adorable :D :D
    will post pictures of her lovely new hairdo asap!


    This little girl wasn’t feelin 100% yesterday. She was vomiting a bit but I think it was because she was in the car a good bit the day before. She didn’t want her breakfast this morning but is drinking plenty of water and she played away out on the deck with my two dogs this morning. She’s back in her crate resting up now but seems in good form :)
    She looks lovely since having her hair cut. She wasn’t in bad condition before but it’s just tidied her up a little and made her feel more comfortable i think.
    She’s an adorable little thing. So tiny and loveable.

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