Bond – Tibetan Terrier x

Bond – Tibetan Terrier x

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    Name: Bond (Real name Alfie)

    Reference Number: 8a

    Sex: Male

    Located: Ashton Pound


    Date Out: NOW

    Bond is 3 years old.


    this guy is lovely,very quite and sweet


    he looks gorgeous :)


    Hi, i have been approved for adotion. Is it possible to adopt straight from the pound. My family and I absolutely love the look of this dog.


    yes it is..go to the pound and fill out a form. This dog is not under the care of DID so you can adopt direct from Ashton. You can go up there and meet him etc.. good luck!


    This little man is gone into foster with Peter – thanks a million ;) Thanks to John (Cartman) for doing the transport ;)


    Hi Dee, Bond is now in the care of DID, if you are interested in adopting him fill out the form from the site


    Went to the pound to see Bond. The guy working there said our house might not suit him. He is a beautiful dog. We are excited to be adopting Sally soon. I hope Bond finds somewhere lovely.


    Bond has come to stay with me today. He is a lovely dog. His coat is in bad condition ( poor fella ) so he is going to need a good groom. The poor fella couldnt even see as his hair was completely covering his eyes so i gave him a trim around his face and i think he was really glad to eventually be able to see probably. He was out of sorts today when he came but i think he is gradually starting to settle in. Will post some photos 2moro.


    This fella is a teddy bear ;)


    This poor fella was surrendered into the pound, and he is desperately seeking his owners. I can only imagine wat is going on in this chaps head. I think he was a dog that was allowed to roam around outside whenever he wanted, maybe because his owners where in work or probably just cause they didnt care. Since he arrived yesterday he just wanted to be let outside, he eventually gave up trying when it got dark out. He did get a little upset last night when i went to bed but he eventually settled down. He seems to be housetrained, no accidents last night. I brought him out this morning and he seemed fine on the lead, he doesnt pull and was friendly with any dog he met. As soon as i got home he wanted to be let out again but he didnt try for very long. He is asleep beside me now, he must have wore himself out ;) I know its gona take time for him to ajust as he as to learn that he cannot be let out to roam around, luckly he is not skinny or he would fit through my fence :D as im not a great runner :? He is fine with my two children and is really a very gentle dog, he as no interest in lilly which is good. She did get cranky with him this morning when i was petting him and he didnt take any notice of her so he is not an aggressive dog, very submissive. He has such a cute face and when the groomers work their magic on him he is gona have lilly chasing after him :P. He sits patiently when its lunch time and gives the paw on command. This chap is very clever, he has his paw ready when he knows he is getting a treat. Hopefully in a few days he will have settled in more and will be more relaxed.


    These are videos of the very loveable Bond ( Alfie ) having a conversation with me, the colour is bad in one of them but you can still here him. You would never be lonely with this fella :D



    I took this photo a few mins ago, and im so so so happy as this is the first time Bond has gone into the crate to snuggle up for a proper sleep since he came. ;)


    Belinda,These are lovely new pics of Bond in the crate with Lily he seems to be settling down and relaxing with you!


    Bond ( Alfie ) is really starting to settle in. The first day or 2 he was out of sorts but i think he is liken being here now. He does still find it a little hard a night to be left on his own but im sure a few more days and it wont bother him at all. When this dog looks up at you he has the cutest face ever and the saddest eyes, it would break your heart. He loves all the attention he is getting, and is also very friendly towards any dog we have come across out on our walks. He met my friends chihuahua today and was absolutely smitten with her. He is a teddy bear that would love to just cosy up with you at night time and lick you to death, and you would have great conversations with him :D. He loves his grubb and when he smells the chicken coming out the oven will sit there waiting and waiting until u give him some, so cute :)

    He is not a greedy dog, he will never go over to try and eat lillys until she gives him the nod that she is finished and he can finish hers off. He also loves his sleep and will do so for most of the day. Bond is one of the most friendly, gentle, and cutest dog i have ever come across and he has brilliant manners. this dog is going to make someone very very happy.


    Bond whose real name is Alfie and he responds to it is a dote. I love him to bits already. In my personal opinion, i cant understand why this fella was surrendered by his owners, because he has caused me no trouble what so ever. He is another Lilly, you dont even know he is in the house he is so quiet and sleeps all day. He is very good on the lead. I let him off today in the park and he had a great time sniffing everything with Lilly and he came back when i called him. He is very very gentle and is very obedient. He went up to Liz yesterday and had a lovely wash cut and blowdry :) thanks a mill Liz ;) What a transformation. Pictures do not do him any justice, he is 100 times better in real life. Everyday i spend with Alfie i am falling more and more in love with him :? OOOOH NOOOOO :D I just cant help it. there is not 1 bad bone in this dog. Will update photos of his new look later on as he is very camera shy.

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