Bubbles – 8 WK OLD PUPPY

Bubbles – 8 WK OLD PUPPY

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    Urgent foster needed for this little girl. If you can help please contact Kathy on 086 3696413 ;)


    This is sorted now thanks to Susan (Colgan family) and thanks to Anne Lade for doing the transport :D


    We are delighted to take this little baby! :)
    Collecting her off Anne (thanks!!) Shortly so will update on her soon!


    Will this end in another member of the family… :lol: :lol:


    I don’t think so!!
    I think 3 dogs is enough………….. for the moment! :lol: :lol:
    But she is beautiful!!
    We collected her from Anne about half an hour ago and our own 3 have never seen anythinkg so tiny!
    She is adorable! And only tiny!
    Will try put pics up soon ! :D


    I did not realise you were the Colgan family, quite funny after my last post to you. Well I am certainly glad that you you took this adorable puppy. Thank you Susan. Anne



    Thank you so much Kathy for putting up the pictures for us! The only was it would work is through mobile so thanks for that! :)
    Well as you can see she is absolutely TINY :o :D
    She is so cute as well! :)
    She really likes to be carried (well really she gets no choice on that one! :lol: :lol: :lol: )
    Will post more once we get to know eachother better ! :)
    Thanks again Kathy


    well this little lady slept all night without a peep. I think there was a lot of bed hopping between the four of them but they all slept and my fears that Bubbles would be squashed by one of them proved unfounded!! Left a few little messages around the place during the night but we expected that. Plan to get to work on the toilet training today. Bubbles LOVES to be carried around and snuggled in your lap – not surprising with three big louts absolutely fascinated by her when she is on the floor. However, she overcame her fears at breakfast time when she claimed one of the dishes outright and demolished her grub! She was also not behind the door at joining the others to share my brekkie so I have no fears dor her survival anymore. She is a beautiful little girl – has to be seen in real life to see just how gorgeous she is.


    awwww how adorable :D i love the pic of her on mollies back soooo cute … your family do a great job with all the dogs you have fostered or shall i say rehomed hehe … cant wit to see how this little one gets along when she grows a little :D


    Hi, This my first time on this site, we are looking for a small dog. Bubbles is tiny now but how big will she grow. We also have 2 cats
    (4yrs & 1yr). Would Bubbles be suitable for our family. 2 teenagers & an animal mad 6yrs old.


    Hi Dalidog,

    Please fill out an adoption application you will find them in forms and downloads, and email it to pups@dogsindistress.org and one of the busy admin team will be in contact with you to arrange a home visit for you…

    Looks like buddles will be small to med size when fully grown. ;)




    Well the lovely Bubbles is still doing great :)
    She is coming along great with the toilet training during the day and she also sleeps without a peep all through the night cuddled up with our three. ;)
    She enjoyed a wonderful tug o’ war with Sam the other day, Sam was very gracious in defeat :lol: :lol: :lol:
    Bubbles even gets on with the cats, even though they are alot bigger than her! :lol: :lol: :lol:
    Whoever offers a home to this little tresure will be very lucky! ;) :D :P :D ;)

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