Cleo – female cat seeking safe haven

Cleo – female cat seeking safe haven

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Cleo – female cat seeking safe haven

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    Cleo is a most beautiful cat – she extreemly sociable and friendly. She was found straying in Dublin earlier this week. She is very thin and is expecting kittens in about 4 weeks time. Do you have a safe haven where she could stay – even for a week or two? At the moment she has nowhere to go. I need to find a foster home for her for 4 weeks until she has her kittens and after that a foster home for her and her kittens for 8 weeks – I’ll take any offers – even shorter term offers. At the moment Cleo is being juggled – she is being passed from Billy to Jack. Even if you could offer a foster space for a week that would buy me some time which I really need badly. I would provide food bedding, litter tray, transport etc. If you can help this beautiful cat please PM me or call me direct at 087 6437386 thanks


    Hi,..we are having our home check on monday. can you please give as much info as you can about the cat. we MAY be able to help but id have to discuss it with my entire family (including sister etc she might be allergic) and we could only offer a temporary home for a few weeks . this is a very sad situation. if you an give us as much info as you can Ill see what I can do (assuming my family are on bord with the idea). I need her to have an even temperament and tolerate alot of petting. also bear in mind that Ill need instruction with the birth as iv never had any contact with pregnant cats!


    Thanks a million, this little girl is gone into fostercare :D


    Thank you Keith (and also Angela) for your offers to help Cleo – we found a fosterer in the end with a friend of my sisters. The foster is for an unspecified time but I had a conversation with the fosterer last night and she very taken with Cleo – infact I think she may keep Cleo long term.

    Thanks to DID for being so supportive (and also Cat’s Aid who have been so helpful too). Ironically my current DID foster dog Cea Belle is cat friendly but as I am highly allergic to cats I couldn’t foster Cleo myself. Very frustrating as I love cats!!

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