Blue Bear- Male Samoyed

Blue Bear- Male Samoyed

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    Blue is a 2 year old Samoyed and one of the most adorable dogs I have ever met. He is in a bad way, a lot of his hair is missing and the hair he had left had the most horrendous knots. He had plastic, dirt and all sorts of shrubery melted and congeeled into the backs of all four legs. He had a day at the Wagging Tail and as usual they did wonders and he is now looking so much better!
    He is a dream dog, he is house trained, very obedient, he knows basic commands, he plays fetch and is just fantastic in general. He gets on great with other dogs and people of all ages. Doesn’t like cats, this is his only issue!
    If you are interested in Blue Bear please contact me on 087 9404109 or



    Gorgeous boy !! wud ya look at that smile !!aahahhhhhhh


    glad to see him looking so happy Muireann. He’s a great chap…


    He is fab Bronte, thanks again for getting him to me ;)


    Aww…. He is just gorgeous!! Samoyed’s are a fantastic breed, always smiling! :)


    For anybody who is thinking of adopting a dog, this boy is really too good an opportunity to miss. I have a Samoyed – Angel – and I can honestly say that they are a fantastic breed. She is super friendly to everybody (particularly children), always smiling and just an overall WONDERFUL dog.

    Angel lives happily with 3 cats in our home and has been seen on occasion going for a walk with one of them in particular…………they are best buddies.

    From my own experience with Samoyeds I am surprised that Blue Bear didn’t have a queue of people waiting for him. He looks like the typical "Smiling Sammy" so I hope he gets the wonderful home he deserves. :)


    I had Blue in my company for a couple of hours and I fell for him big time in that short space of tim. He snuggled up to me and lay his head on my lap and I’d get a big hug. When I would talk to him he would like my nose…an absolute pet….can’t recommend him highly enough….

    Was happy to help Muireann… :)


    Blue in his new home :D


    This is a very dangerous dog……he could keep me home all day just hugging and kissing, doing nothing else but that!!!!! :lol:


    Fantastic news!!! :D

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