Lucy 10 mth Lab x terrier pup

Lucy 10 mth Lab x terrier pup

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Lucy 10 mth Lab x terrier pup

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    Poor Lucy was surrendered into the pound by her owners :x She is vacccinated, microchipped and neutered. She is only 11mts old and a gentle girl.


    This is sorted now thanks to Sinead and Nick :D Thanks a million ;)


    Hi all, Just wanted to start a blog for Lucy the 10 month old lab x terrier.

    We collected the little darling this morning and she shook the whole way back in the car. She was surrendered into the pound yesterday by her elderly owner who could no longer care for her. Both he and his wife were ill and had no family member to help care for her. I’m sure they were heartbroken as she has been well cared for!

    She is already had vacs, chipped & is neutered.

    She is quickly coming out of her shell and has already claimed her bed and is testing it out as I type, fast asleep.

    She is house- trained and is very clean and calm inside the house.

    Will update again later with pics to follow.


    she sounds like a sweety looking forward to pics. she is lucky to have you :D


    Tried to get a few pics of the Lovely Lucy after her bath. She has settled right in! Completely house trained and ate her dinner nice & calmly with our dog Bruce. She is getting on great with him so far, a few wrestling matches and a game of ball and they are on there way to becoming best friends! :) She did a beautiful pirouette when the squeaky toys came out! :) Full of kisses and tail wags! A total little Lady! :)


    Well Lucy has been with us since last Thursday and is getting on great. She was a bit unsure at first but has completely settled in now & is full of play!

    She loves nothing better than a cuddle and is full of kisses for everyone.

    Lucy is completely house trained, has not had an accident and loves being out and about on her walks.

    She is a great little watch dog and has a big bark for a little lady! :) Only gives a little bark as a warning and if somebody enters the house she goes to inspect and welcomes them with a wag of her tail. :)

    Lucy is a total little dote and great with other dogs and children.

    A wonderful little lady, who would fit straight into any household :)


    Sinead, has Lucy had exposure to any young children in your dealings with her as yet? 3-6 yr olds. We have just registered our interest in adopting and have children in that age group.


    Lucy is a surrender and grew up with a house of children and is fantastic with them


    Hi Sweetchild3,

    Lucy has met our next door neighbours 15 month old son and was great with him and as Suzi said she grew up with children.
    My nieces haven’t met her yet and no doubt they would be in love! :)

    She is just an absolute Lady, she is still only a pup but can be very matured for her age and just adores cuddles. :)
    She has a way of looking at you that would melt your heart!


    Thanks for the information. We are waiting to hear when our home visit can occur and we remain keen to find out more about Lucy. She has a lovely honest face.
    Natalie (& the sweet children x 3)


    Our little Lucy went off to her new home last night! Her new family are wonderful and have promised loads of updates! She has a new brother Oscar so Im sure they will be best of friends! Best of luck little girl, we’ll miss you. xx


    Lucy came to her new home on the 3rd of December, her new name is Lily, which she answered to immediately. She is settling in well and loves her new bed! Still a little wary of Oscar but getting closer everyday. Wants to play constantly and loves nothing more than her squeeky toys or balls. She really is a pet! She fits in with the family perfectly. Thanks again, from Carol, Morris, Ellen, Oscar and Lily (Lucy) x


    Its hard to believe thats the same dog that was in the pound in that photo in November. she looks so happy, its wonderful to see such a happy girl :D Well done.


    Hi everyone. Sorry I haven’t updated since Lily fka Lucy came to live with us. Some of you will have met her at the DID fun day out, but for those who didn’t here is a little update and a few pics.
    Lily is a truly gentle soul, she just wants to please all the time. :D. Its hard to know when she is happiest….she just loves everything- except men! She loves loves loves the water and will run to be in the lakes just as soon as the car is opened :lol:. She won’t get out once she gets in and the only way to get her out is to keep walking away until she eventually follows! She recently got a new best friend, Rudi, formerly Tess another DID graduate and they just play and play all day. There is constantly a game of chase going on in the house :roll: She really is a sweetheart who feels your every mood and seems happy when you are happy and will cuddle up to you and lick you when you are sad :D, a real lady. Here are a few pics of her and her big brother Oscar and little sister Rudi earlier today at the lakes.



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