Herbie – Labrador cross Husky pup *HOMED*

Herbie – Labrador cross Husky pup *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Herbie – Labrador cross Husky pup *HOMED*

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    Happy bouncy boy with massive paws, lovely fella altogether. He’s been here a few hours, had a wash and looks and feels so much better now. He’s gorgeous, looks a bit like a husky. Apparently he’s younger than 4 months. Here are a few pictures of him; hopefully they show his husky handsomeness ! :lol:


    Herbie really is just a big baby, he loves his cuddles. When he wants more attension he’ll bark or wine at you, its very cute.
    As big as he is for a 12wk old he really doesnt know his size, he didn’t think he was able to jump up onto the couch….well…until I showed him,it’s as if he hasn’t worked out how to jump using his back legs.
    He had a few p’s in the house yesterday evening, he was drinking a lot when he first arrived. but he managed to go all night without a pee which I really wan’t expecting :o He’s been a lot better today, it helps that it’s not raining so can leave the back door open. Here are a couple more pics of him out in the garden…


    awwwww, he’s gorgeous. Definitely think theres some husky in there somewhere :lol:


    We have had him for around 3 months now and he has doubled in size! He is a great dog with a lovely personality. He is always gentle and very happy around people and has never once shown any agression. I put my hands in his food, take away his toys to test him and he just thinks its a game and carrys on.
    He is a little cheeky and always has his nose in the bin, he is obsessed with kitchen towel which he unravels across the garden if i leave it within reach, he is also obsessed with grates that cover drains (the little square plastic ones) and i am constently going around work putting them back in place! He does not like swimming yet and im not sure if he will ever really lke the water, he goes in up to his belly and then thinks better of it!
    He is very sociable with dogs and loves my parents white lab Shadow, in the picturers.We are loving having him and he is great company on our walks and short runs. In a few months he will have grown enough to come mountain biking with us.


    wow!! how he has grown. Am so glad it all worked out for herbie in his new home in Moycullen…looks like he is in heaven in the wilds of the west there! this guy is lucky to have found ciara and jerome as they are active people always out and about doing stuff!!. well done guys..am so glad things worked out so well for you!


    Herbie 1 year old photo updates

    Hi All,

    Here are some photos taken over the last couple of weeks of Herbie showing the gentle giant he has become!

    Kind Regards,



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