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    Yes , I can definitely take her. All here are in agreement (except Sasha, ha-ha). Phew! I’ll fetch her from Ashton in the morning…
    Do I get to name her then?


    Thanks you so so much Jenny this girl is so beautiful so happy she has been rescued into foster!


    Thats great Jennie. The poor girl. My heart breaks when i see dogs in this condition.


    Well, we’ve called her Coco cos she’s Coco Chanel black-and-white elegant, and she’s settling in quite well so far.
    Obviously she’s somewhat traumatised, and she’s really nervous of our boisterous, bolshy Sasha, but Coco’s a loving, cosy, huggy, affectionate dog, who’ll just about sit on our laps and loves company.
    We took her to the vet and she’s got a clean bill of health, apart from the obvious malnourishment: she weighed in at 14,5kg.
    He said she was lovely though, and that her teeth would be all better once cleaned. We have her on a special Hills tinned food diet for a few days just while her stomach gets used to eating, but at first she wasn’t interested in food. Now she’s got the hang of it (I think it was the lunchtime tuna sandwich smells that got her juices going) and she wolfs the small amounts of food we give her.
    She hasn’t been neutered yet, and the vet reckons she’s coming into heat, so we’ll have to sort that our pretty quickly. For now though, we’re keeping her in with us, where it’s warm and safe, and where she can hide under the table if she feels shy. No walkies until she gets her courage up.
    Oh, and she was very interested in all the other dogs at the vet, as well as sniffing at Sasha when she thinks it’s safe. Hey, we’ve even had a few tail wags… Watch this space!


    Saw this baby in the vet on sat. The photos dont do justice to her state of malnourishment :( I hope she will put her past behind her and enjoy what life should be like. She is beautiful and can wait to see her fill out and become confident. Be well Coco.


    Im looking forward to reading the progress of this beautiful lady. How people can be so cruel to animals is just beyond me.


    Important things Coco did today:
    1) Went upstairs, all the way to the top of the house all by herself, a breakthrough because she’d confined herself to the basement.
    2) Went for a short walk with John and Sasha. She wasn’t nervous either, but shy and curious, sniffing at everything.
    3) Ate dog nuts. Until now she’s been on the prescription tinned stuff. Today we introduced a bit of Hills and she wolfed it down with glee.
    4) Wagged her tail absolutely loads. Hurrah!
    Been taking photos but she’s not sure of the camera. Watch this space. And big thanks to all those who’ve shown interest in her progress.
    Jennie X


    The lovely Coco 8-)


    Last night Coco had what is probably her first ever bath. She was a bit smelly but given her nervousness we left her to settle in before taking the, er, plunge…
    Anyway, first we bathed Sasha while Coco watched, then it was Coco’s turn: in she was lifted and out she tried to get, but as soon as we started running the warm water over her she sat down in it, then lay down, then seemed to really relish the whole sudsy experience, right up to the rub-down with a big towel. Now she’s sweet-smelling and as pretty as can be, especially as she’s picking up a bit of weight and is looking more sleek than emaciated.
    She’s had a couple of walks now but is definitely not comfortable to be outdoors, jumping at every bang, beep or noise. Sadly, the poor little darling tries to hide in the bushes at every turn, probably because that’s where she lived when she was a stray. She’s interested in other dogs though, which is a start.
    However, at home she’s happy and loving, adoring a pat and a chat, but not sure what to make of a ball or a toy. She has pinched a few of Sasha’s toys and put them in her own basket though.
    She loves being around us and follows me about like a little shadow, sitting under my desk as I work and putting her silky, sad head on my lap. Those long smooth ears are irresistible to stroke!
    As for strangers, she’s really not so sure, running to hide when someone new comes into the house. However, if they sit calmly on the couch she does eventually make friends with them. Her confidence has definitely improved a bit since we got her, but it’s all baby steps for this beautiful, gentle, adoring, adorable girl.
    XX Jennie.


    I’m so glad to read your post JennieR – you’re a godsend to this poor pet, thank you for all you are doing for her. I was in the pound when she was brought in (in fact, that day was my very first visit there) and I was heartbroken to see her in such a state. It’s lovely to hear that she is being well looked after and being given plenty of love and tlc, just as she deserves. I hate to think of what kind of life she had before now. Cuddles and tickles on the tummy to Coco from me. xxx


    looking forward to meeting Coco in the park with Sasha .Big cuddle to Sasha for being so good at sharing her mom.


    Cocos fantastic foster family love her so much that they couldnt part with her and have offically adopted her today :D Hope you all have many happy years together :D


    Great news – I’m so glad to hear that. Lucky Coco – she can continue to have a wonderful life with her super family.


    Coco in her new home 8-)

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