Stryder – American Pitt Bull Terrier

Stryder – American Pitt Bull Terrier

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    Stryder has not been here 24 hours yet but I think he is a fella ya get to know quickly, so far I find him….
    Very friendly, very energetic, very curious and very very loveable! :D Quite clumsy in his cute little way, whatever you’re doing he’s straight into it! :roll:
    He’s defo ready for a trip to the vets he’s doing a good bit of humping; the pillows are getting the brunt of it for the moment! :roll: He lifted his leg in the house 3 times last night but hasn’t done it since; Think it’s just down to the new environment and scents from other dogs around the house.
    His previous owner said he slept on the bed some of the time, down in the sitting room the other nights. So, it being his first night he was up on the bed. He was grand, not a bother, didn’t pee until he was brought out this morning. Also during the day in his previous home when his owners were at work he had access to the back garden, which he won’t have here but he shouldn’t be left for that long at a time. I’ve been with him every since he’s arrived basically so I can’t say what he’s like when left alone yet, but hopefully I will have good reports on this in a few days.

    I’m sure he’s missing his owner but hopefully he’ll get over it soon and is having fun in the meantime.

    Here are a few pictures that I’ve taken so far…..


    Awh he is such a beauty!! :D
    I’d say his family were distraught about having to give him up! :(
    So glad to see him in foster


    Wow he is a handsome boy :shock: Like Annabelle she never had be taught to let us know she needed the loo so would just squat when it suited but since last sun, Tara an animal behaviourist, told us that every time she went outside we ‘in a happy squeeky’ voice said the word ‘toilets’ over and over when she mid flow she would associate the word wit the action, add a treat at the end. ;) I can happily report we have had no accidents even at nite!!! So defo worth a try if it suits your household. Now when she looks restless we say ‘toilets’ and if she needs it she runs to the door.
    I look forward to seein Stryders updates he is just so striking looking?! Well done.


    Stryder is getting on great. Apologies if I made it sound like he’s not house trained, he is, he just found it necessary to mark his new territory on arrival. He lets you know when he wants to go to the loo by going over to the door.

    He’s been up to the phoenix park a few times and loved all the new smells and scents, he had his head stuck in the ground most of the time !

    I’m currently injured from playing football so I brought him along to training last night with me, he loved all the attention he got from all the girls and they all loved him ! :lol:

    He’s very affectionate, loves to curl up beside you and just adores giving kisses ! He’s still sleeping in the bedroom at night time but I have him sleeping on his bed beside our bed now. He tries to sneak up before morning but its getting later and later so I’m sure he’ll spend a full night in his bed soon.

    He is great in the car, sits up beside you. On the way back from football he was all tired and went asleep putting his head on my lap, sooooo cute.
    If you crotch down to say hello to him he jumps up putting his paws on your shoulders, if you manage not to fall over it really is a lovely hug! ;)
    He thinks he’s a tiny dog, jumping up on your lap on the couch, half squashing you ! :roll:

    He is not one bit found of being left on his own, when I returned home yesterday, evidence was found to suggest that he may have been chewing the odd thing he was not meant to have. He’s going on a little trip to the vet tomorrow so that should soften his cough a bit he he ;) .
    In fairness he shouldn’t have been left for as long as he was, unfortunately yesterday it couldn’t be helped.
    Whoever gets this boy will be very lucky but, like any dog they may get, they will need to have someone at home majority of the time to keep this boy company because this is the most important thing to Stryder, that and food. Boy does he like his food, and he really would do anything for it!

    He is very good at sitting and waiting, he’ll sit and wait after his food has been put on the floor, you can just see him itching to go, but he won’t move until you say "ok go" Also in the car if you tell him to wait he won’t hop out until you tell him to.

    Here are some pictures of Stryder on one of his trips to the Phoenix park.

    Falling asleep while sitting uo when he got home :)


    Oh what a handsome boy. They are fantastic dogs. I love them and of course the staffies. Best dogs on the planet. Maura.


    Poor Stryder came back from the vets at lunchtime after being neutered. The poor boy is feeling VERY sorry for himself, so do I. His big sad eyes. :cry:

    He has eventually stopped shivering after I lite the fire and set him up on the couch, well he helped himself to the couch but I provided the blanket. ;)

    Here is a picture of him at the moment, how he’s been for last hour or so and prob will stay for rest of evening…poor baby.


    :lol: Awwww poor lil man!!! He knows his comforts in your house eh!! 8-) I hope he feeling better tomor!


    Stryder is doing great today, back to his happy self, juming around and looking for food every few minutes :lol:


    He is such a beautiful dog id love him… whoever gets him is so lucky


    This guy needs urgent foster as his fosterer has to return to work full time. He needs a foster home with another dog and someone home most of the time as he doesnt do well when left alone. If you can help please contact Kathy on 086 3696413 ;)


    we can do this no problem !!!!!!


    i think once a few friends i know see him he might have a forever home too as 2 of them are pitty lovers and great dog owners !!


    This is sorted now thanks to Niamh & Stewart :D Thanks a million ;)


    well this big boy had his first night here and he does definitly not like being left in a room alone lol …he absolutly loves lola .. keeps trying to mount her tho but she is telling him who is boss hehe .. he is great with kids is playing with my 7 year old nephew as we speak .. very strong dog and doesnt realise his strenght so wud knock kids over but wit a bit of training would be fine and he is quick to learn !!1 beaut of a boy he really is !!


    Stryder needs urgent foster as he needs someone thats home full time.If you can help please contact Kathy on 086 3696413 ;)

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