Kayla – 9 week old collie x puppy – HOMED

Kayla – 9 week old collie x puppy – HOMED

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Kayla – 9 week old collie x puppy – HOMED

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    Hi. I am Kayla. I am a sweet,adorable collie cross puppy who has just gone into foster with my brother Kai. :D I will be wormed, microchipped and have at least my first vaccination before I am rehomed. I must be neutered at 6 months old. Kayla will be medium in size, full of energy so will need an active home.


    Had this gorgeous girl in the car yesterday along with her siblings and not a bother on any of them :) No whimpering, howling or barking just curiously looking around at what`s going on and as car`s dashbord (the only view they had from crate at the back seat) isn`t really that interesting they just went to sleep and didn`t budge untill we arrived at our destination :)
    Kayla has the softest coat ever and I`m sure such cutie won`t be waiting for her forever home for long :)


    Just a quick update on this little angel. Kayla is the most adorable, sweet little girl you could wish to meet. She is full of cuddles and kisses for everyone. She likes nothing more than snuggling up in your arms for a nap after a madcap half hour of playing and wrestling with Kai and Kibbles. :lol: She is very well behaved for a collie puppy – they are so intelligent that they are always on the lookout for the next piece of mischief but NOT SO with Kayla. She potters along here with the others and crawls into the nearest available lap or, failing that, bed for a rest. She loves her food, is wonderful in the car, sleeps the whole night without a peep!!! :D An all round sweetheart. :D


    Breakfast in bed!! :lol:


    Kayla continues to grow in confidence and playfulness by the day. Saying that, she is a real little lady, independent and self-assured. :D She can often be found all on her own in the comfiest available bed with the latest chew toy beside her. We are making slow progress with the toilet training but the weather has been so bad, I am not surprised that none of them want to go out – it is an ordeal even for the biggies!!! :lol: She loves her grub, loves her cuddles, loves her wrestling matches with Kai and Kibbles. She is a dote! :D :D


    Kayla (and indeed her brother Kai) are just adorable… wish I had room for another 2 but sadly its all full at the inn :lol: I just love her nose… its so unusual and makes her look really special ;) gorgeous girl


    Wow, what a beauty! She sounds like a total dream puppy.


    Kayla IS a dream puppy! :D She is a total little lady – in fact my husband calls her "his little lady" and the really cute thing is she answers to it!! :lol: She is a really sweet tempered, good natured little girl who is playful and calm in equal measure. She has discovered her bark and has different tones to it depending on what she wants :lol: :lol: The cutest one is the little one that says "Help! I can’t get down off the sofa" and she waits for some good samaritan to rescue her!!! She is a pet. :D


    Mollie DOES look like my mum. . .,


    Well Kayla was vaxed and chipped yesterday and there wasn’t a peep out of her, the brave little lady! :D :D She is on her way to being a grown up little dogeen and if adult Kayla is anything like puppy Kayla, then we are in for a treat. With any luck she will be with her new forever family by then cos – take it from me – some family is missing out on a real treasure here!!! :D


    Kayla continues to be a great little puppy who has also masterd the getting up on the sofa!! :D She still gives a little bark to get you to help her down though (although we have had a few bellyflops of late!! :lol: :lol: ) She is an absolute joy to foster and so incredibly well behaved for a little girl her age. She is a smasher!!

    Help me out from under my bro!!!!!


    All asleep after a hard morning’s play . . . . From left to right Casper, Tigra, Mollie, Kibbles, Kai, Kayla and Sam. :D


    Brilliant :lol: :lol:


    That is a brilliant photo :D all sleeping soundly


    Love it ….so much for them using their dog beds…

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