doggie bad breath

doggie bad breath

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    has anyone got any suggestions on wot to get for dog with really smelly breath!! :? and wot causes it???


    What kids of food is your dog on?? Some times it can be related to bad diet..


    well she,s off kids at the minate :lol: ah no pediagree chum!!! she is a japanesse spitz.. i have been giving her those denta sticks too


    Martine Pedigree Chum isn’t a great food. It wouldn’t be helping with her bad breath. You should change her onto a better quality food. Also pedigree chum hasn’t enough oil to keep the spitz coat in tiptop shape, so a better food would show a real difference in the look and feel of her coat.


    I’d agree with Muireann and if its that bad she probably needs a dental or a least a check up at the vets to see whats going on! Some dogs, even though when on good food, will need a dental younger. I’ve two dogs one is five and she has never had a dental and her teeth are like a one year olds. My other dog Charlie is three and he will probably need a dental some time this year and its down to genetics and he needs to get lactulose three times a day which is full of sugar so making his teeth bad.

    My mother in law’s cavalier had terrible breath so I brought her to the vet when we were minding her and it turned out she had gum disease and needed a couple of teeth taking out. She was only four, always fed dry food. Once that was sorted her breath wasn’t smelly at all anymore :D


    I’ve read on another forum that apple cider vinegar can help with bad breath problems,(and other things) a teaspoonful in the water once a day.


    My dog has bad breath too. I’ll try the apple cider and definitely have her a doctor’s appointment.. :D


    well i got that royal canin food in pet store in blanch also got ellie some sweet breath tabs fresh mint so we see if they work ;) doing a great deal on pigs ears 25 for 18euro


    One of our doggies had this prob a couple of yrs ago – got his teeth scaled and polished and have our 2 doggies on a dental care routine (own toothbrushes, complete with poultry flavoured toothpaste!) – just have to start our new addition Roxy on her teeth once she’s a bit more settled. Anyhow, in the meantime, if you get the chance, try this doggie recipe – may not work for all, but has been great for our doggie’s oral hygiene (he’s minty fresh these days, with the hollywood smile!) :lol:

    Biscuits for healthy teeth

    5 oz (150g) whole wheat flour
    5 oz (150g) wheat bread flour
    3.5 oz (100g) porridge oats
    2 oz (60g) shortening (lard, pref. pork lard)
    2 tablespoons rapeseed oil
    3 tablespoons powdered skimmed milk
    6fl oz chicken stock (unsalted)
    Flour for dusting
    Shelled sunflower seeds to coat

    Mix flour, porridge oats, shortening, rapeseed oil and powdered milk thoroughly. Add chicken stock and knead all above to make an easy to shape dough. If nec, add little water.
    Preheat over to 4oo degrees f
    Scoop out one tablespoon of dough at a time and shape a thick roll on a floured surface. Coat with sunflower seeds.
    Cover a baking sheet with baking parchment and place the biscuits on it. Bake in the hot oven for 40 – 50 mins approx. Turn off the heat and allow the doggie biscuits to harden for a few hours (yes, hours!) in the oven – not too hard though, or they will lose teeth!

    Hope this helps! This recipe is vet approved / safe for all dogs, unless your particular breed has issues with any of the ingredients. My beardie is fussy enough eater and he enjoyed these!
    PS Doggie oral hygiene most important for all of our pets – as with humans, bacteria can build up and cause all sorts of probs for them down the line. Sounds mad brushing their teeth but its easy enough once you desensitize them and get them used to the brush. Our vet sells the kits – toothbrush with 2 different heads, finger toothbrush attachment and poultry toothpaste for 13yoyos – toothpaste lasts forever as you only need a dab and brushes very hardy! Best of luck with smiler!!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol:


    Hi All,

    I believe that Audrey (LuvMyFurKids) has some kind of recipe for bad breath? Can you please let us know as our girls need a bit of a treatment :D



    I don’t have a cooking receipe …..just individual suggestions

    1. Apple Cider Vinegar ….1 teaspoon in fresh drinking water daily.
    2. Organice baby carrots…great crunchy
    3. Raw Marrow Bones…..from the butchers(never cooked bones)
    4. Regular brushing of teeth…use a wet finger just to get your dog used to the sensation….then after a couple of times doing that …add the dog oral toothpaste to a wet finger….couple of uses of this then …..use a finger toothbrush….and there will be smiles all round.

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