Shelly – Shelti x

Shelly – Shelti x

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    Name: Shelly

    Reference Number: 763

    Sex: Female

    Located: Ashton Pound


    Date Out: 29th August 2009

    This girl is so lovely but my god she has been neglected. Her coat was covered in matts, we managed to get the worst ones out around her ears and backend. She has had pups not so long ago and she is about 10-12 years old!!! :x


    Shelly is a real dote. Very sad to see a dog in such bad condition, her coat is very matted. Her nails are so long and curled under, she has obvoiusly not been walked, as her nails have not naturally worn down at all. She is so friendly, licked my face, cuddled in against me. She really wants to be loved and settle. Girl in the pound figured she could be 10 years old. I think she is a very ‘young’ ten year old with plenty of life in her. She is a really placid happy girl. She really deserves to be loved and spoilt


    I agree with the great notices for Shelly. She is lovely, a real heartbreaker. I belive her owner passed away and that is why she has ended up in the pound. She is a cuddley girl and is happiest when she can get close to you. She has the cutest way of standing on her hind legs and holding her two front paws out. She is in back condition and it may be that she was neglected because her owner was unable to properly care for her due to ill health. she does have a good pep in her step and will suddenly get all excited and trot ahead of you. She did slip her collar twice yesterday but did not go far, she just showed off the fact that she could run around a bit. Its a sad place for her to end up. I am sure she must be wondering what is going on. She loves the other dogs and gets all excited when she is around them. She deserves to spend her last few years in a warm safe place. I hope she finds it.


    I’ve sent in my foster form, just waiting a home check etc..
    I’d hapily foster this ole dame.


    I took this lovely lady for a walk today. What a beautiful character she has. She is so gentle and friendly and will walk beside you all the way. She looks up at you for encouragment to make sure your happy and then gives you a snuggle and a lick.

    Wonderful dog and not a peep out of her.


    It only came to light that poor Shelly’s owner died 4 days previous to her ending up in the pound. She is in heat at the moment so isnt feeling well and needs an emergency spay.

    She has a rescue space with Maurarua and needs to get to her asap, please is there anyone who can bring her to Maura tomorrow? She is in Wicklow so not a long journey, pound is open 10am-12pm tomorrow. Please PM me if you can help poor shelly…. she is a quiet girl with loads of love. :cry:


    where in Wicklow? am so glad to hear she is getting out. Let me know where she needs to go to?


    Not entirely sure but I know she is on the wicklow/wexford border.


    I’m going back home to Gorey on Wed I would be happy to give this poor girl a lift down if needed, it’s prob too late in the week but if it is of use I’d be happy to help.


    I know it’s late notice but I’m in Bray and I could collect her and bring her down to south Wicklow if you’re stuck…


    Did Shelly manage to get out? I PM’d animalhelper with my contact details last night but didn’t hear back so I’m guessing it was sorted before I replied. If not, I can take her to Mauraura’s tomorrow. I’m worried about the little lady now – she has been through so much already for an elderly dog. :roll:


    Shelly died in the Pound on Saturday.

    At rest.


    RIP little Shelly. :(


    Poor Shelly. RIP. :cry:


    I want to thank everyone who offered to bring Shelly to her rescue space. It was planned for her to get out today, to start her new life. Unfortunatly it wasn’t meant to be. Shelly died yesterday/last night, we do not know why or how.
    Anyone who met Shelly knows what a great girl she was, full of love. She could sit on her back legs and wave her two paws in the air. She was a unique little woman and everyone fell in love with her. She is badly missed.

    R.I.P Shelly, you are at peace now. :cry:

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