Tilly – Collie x Whippet

Tilly – Collie x Whippet

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    I have crossposted Penny onto BIGGSD here is her thread. If any other info is known on this girl I will crosspost onto BIGGSD. :D


    Penny managed to escape on saturday and is still out there as impossible to catch…she is hanging around the area though..they left food outside for her both days so think she will find the courage to come back..


    What age is penny. Found this on pets ireland. cant compare photos as pennys has moved from this site. http://petsireland.invisionzone.com/ind … =72236&hl=


    Yes that looks like Penny. :D


    Hiya, I found the dog that looks like it could be Penny. Still have her here in my house. She cant stay here though as I am moving away to college in the next few days and my parents dont want to keep her!

    I dont want to see her go back to the pound, so if anyone can foster her asap that would be great.


    is difficult to tell if is the same dog from the photos. Just in case the owner is looking for her and comes to the pound you should try to contact them to see if it is her or not!


    Was on to them, no one looking for her :( Shes a lovely dog, will make someone a great pet, gets on brilliantly with other dogs.


    Can any one help with this dog? She will have to go back to the pound on friday if no one can offer her help.


    I have just put up a new Post Regarding Penny.

    I currently have her in Foster Care. My husband picked her up from a girl in Castleknock last Friday.



    From Ruby:


    I collected Penny on Friday from a house in Castleknock. She escaped from the pound and there was a note up in my job in reference to her. I said I would foster her until she finds a new home.

    She’s been check by the vet who said she’s a 6 month old collie, and she’s received her first round of injections. I have some nice pictures of her that I would like to get up on the website, we’ve renamed her as Tilly.

    She is a beautiful dog and so timid and loving. Very clever girl and house trained. I would love to find her a nice home. She was very weary of men initially but over the weekend she’s formed a great bond with my husband and was curl up on his lap last night.

    She is really starting to come out of herself and was very playful on the beach and is also great with other dogs. We would love to keep her but we already have 2 dogs and the house is small.

    Could an admin contact me regarding Penny / Tilly about updating the details you have of her and changing her status: also I’d like to get some nice pictures of her up.

    Thanks so much.


    can an admin pls call me about updating Tilly’s details on the website, I can forward some nice new shots of her.
    Thanks, Ruby
    Mobile is 087 272 8684


    Just an update on Penny (aka Tilly)

    We did have someone who was interested in her but unfortunately their circumstances have changed.

    From the original picture posted of her which was shot in the Pound, I am starting to doubt its the same dog. In the original picture the girl is so much bigger than Tilly although similar colour and marking on chest she is a lot smaller and couldn’t have lost that much weight in days?!?

    Anyway we plan to have her second round of shots completed at the weekend and chipping. New photos & maybe she’ll be in her first video on the beach playing with my other two dogs.



    The photo is actually so decieving, she is only a small-medium dog and I doubt any GSD in her at all. ;)


    Yes they are (I’ve really analysed it) , she had spotted white feet at the front but you can’t see her feet in the origianal photo.

    We’ll work on her portfolio and get her some great shots, she diserves them. Its hard to get clear photos as she is so black, but hopefully a video will help show her in all her glory !

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