Polly – Terrier x * reserved *

Polly – Terrier x * reserved *

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Polly – Terrier x * reserved *

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    I have named this little one Polly.
    Beautiful gentle little girl and in no way demanding.She sleeps through the night no problem but loves lots of cushions in her bed.She prances along like a little show dog and is going to be a fantastic baby who will have to be kept indoors all the time as she does not like to be cold or get her paws wet. – from Cathy Byrne


    Adorable, I feel really sad, DID have so many lovely small puppies on the site at the moment, just really sorry that we couldn’t wait so long for one. Good luck in homing them, especially Poppy, soooooo cute !


    Hi, just wondering how big those guys are? I’ve sent in an adoption application, think they’re all so cute, would love to give one a good home :) but want them all!


    She’s gorgeous, how old is she?


    little polly is staying with me and my mam catherine byrne. she is only about 5 weeks old she and her siblings are really tiny but so good you wouldnt even notice they were there, their only learning how play with toys and its so funny to watch, i say this little girl with snapped up.

    Cathy Byrne

    Polly and her siblings have been in foster with me since Saturday but due to me not being the best at the moment are moving on tonight to Kay Doyle.They are tiny little babies and I firmly believe they will be small dogs when fully grown.We think they are 5 to 6 weeks old at the moment but are very clever and quick to learn already.
    Kay will be following up with updates on their progress and I am sure with much better photos than I managed.
    They are all very pretty babies and so good it has been a pleasure to have them.Sometimes the foster families are the lucky ones I think to be allowed to care for all these puppies.


    Fair play to all the volunteers, I’ve been having a good look around the site for the last while as I’ve been thinking of adopting a dog, it’s amazing how much time people give up to take care of these dogs, I only wish I could do the same to be honest. Polly and all her siblings look like little dotes, so cute!

    Cathy Byrne

    Change of plan and Polly and her siblings wil be staying with me until they are old enough to be chipped and have their shots.They of course will also stay with me until they find their perfect forever home.Polly is growing by the day and is even prettier than her last photo.I promise I will get some more up as soon as I can.
    Please be patient waiting on your Home Check as their is just not enough people available at the moment to get around them all quickly,there are so many applications coming in every day.



    She is really beautiful, her coat is gorgeous!


    Hi Cathy, I think Liz passed on our details to you and reserved Polly for us. We’d love to visit her whenever is best for you. Thanks Sue

    Cathy Byrne

    Well Pollys new family came to visit tonight and after being with us for 4 weeks the little traitor decided she wanted them for her new family and did’nt want to know me.I have to say I did’nt blame her, this little one has landed flat on her paws and a more beautiful and caring family she could not have found.She will be leaving me on Sunday and although there will be the usual tears I am so happy for her and the life I know she is going to have.


    Thanks so much for everything Kathy. We really admire the great work you all do at DID. We hope that Polly will be as happy with our family as she was with you all. We have her bed and toys all set up for her arrival tomorrow! We can’t wait to bring her home. We’ll keep you updated on how she’s getting on and post some pics.


    Hi Cathy, Well Polly’s been with us for a whole week now and I don’t know how we ever managed without her, we all love her so much. She’s so funny. She had her first bath last night and got her hair all brushed ready for the vets today. She’s not getting her needles ’til next monday as the vet said she’s still to little. She’s found a new place to have her nap in on top of the washing basket!! She just loves to play and gets so excited when the kids come in from school, pulling on their trousers to get them to go out the back with her. She’s so affectionate and likes nothing better than to lie on her back on your lap and get a good tummy rub. I’ve loads of photos but I don’t know how to get them up on the forum. We’re so glad her sister Poppy found her "forever home" too. Hope you are all well and that Nelson is not missing the puppys too much.

    Cathy Byrne

    I knew she would wrap you all around her little finger,but she is worth it.I am delighted to hear she is doing so well but check with Liz or Suzi on the vets statement as the age is quite precise and she will always be a small dog.
    Nelson only got a 24 hour break and now he has another 4 little girls to mind.

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