Sherri – Bichon Friese -HOMED

Sherri – Bichon Friese -HOMED

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Sherri – Bichon Friese -HOMED

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    Sherri is an 8 month old Bichon Friese.

    Joan Kirwan

    Is sherri in foster care ???


    Hi, yes Sherri is in fostercare with me, she is a gorgeous pup very gentle, and loves attention and she is housetrained!


    Id like to offer sherri a forever home i have been home checked and approved and was wondering who do i contact about sherri


    I met Sherri on Saturday, she is a gorgeous little thing, full of affection :)


    Hi , Has Sherri found her forever home. I would be interested. I have had house check and passed. I have cat and gentle dog. Does she like cats ? I am looking for small dog. Can you let me know ;) :)


    Has Sherri found her forever home yet?? Any update


    Sherri, now renamed Lucy has been with us for just over a week. She is doing really well. She loves our 12 year old collie Charlie and follows him around the place. She is getting to know Timmy the cat which is happening slowly and under supervision at the moment but is moving along nicely.
    She had her first groom yesterday and was shaved completely. She is now the proud owner of a red coat. She has been on beach walks every day and loves it. She has been admired greatly by everyone we meet and she gives them a lick for good measure.
    We are licked to death by her and she is always on the go around the house and garden. She loves to fetch a ball. Tina her foster Mum has done a great job on her and we will be sending on photos later to day, once the camera is sorted.
    She looks so different shaved and she is so tiny.We are delighted with her and it feels like she has always been here.
    We will keep you posted on her and thank D.I.D for Lucy. :D

    Member … 009037.jpg … 009038.jpg … 009020.jpg … 009034.jpg
    Sherri now renamed Lucy has been with us for 3 months. When we first got her she had to be shaved as her coat was so matted. She took on a new lease of life when she got shaved. She runs around the house like a whirlwind . She loves her walks and gets her coat when the ‘walkies’ word is mentioned. She loves the beach and runs round in circles at high speed. She loves to chase a ball. She gets on well with my 12 year old collie and copies what he does down to going to the toilet like a male dog. She is full of love and licks. Her tail is always wagging. We learnt early on not to leave any items around as she chewed a new builders mobile phone that is meant to be undestructable, designer sun glasses and a gum shield. These all belonged to my husband who has become a much tidier person thanks to Lucy. She went with us to Kerry for Christmas to our holiday home and was as good as gold on the trip and settle right into her new home. She is such a good girl and will face any challenge. Thanks to all in D.I.D for Lucy . She has brightened our world and has given an old dog a new lease of life. Thanks for watching over all the vunerable and unwanted dogs so they can go on to experience the true meaning of love and belonging. Angela xx


    Sherri met her new brother today :D


    I have Lucy (sherri) since last October. She is such a great girl and as bright as a button. She loves her walkies every morning and evening and in between she plays with her many toys. The louder they squeak the better. Her coat has come on really well and she needs daily brushing which my husband is great at doing. She loves sitting on our knees and loves getting up onto the bed. we are thrilled with her and our old collie is in top form since she came on the scene. She met Gio the scottie yesterday and they got on really well. So we are getting ready for the arrival of Gio next week when we get back from our trip. We can’t wait!! Lucy is such a sweet dog and just wants to lick you and love you. We are so lucky to have her. She is very special. I will keep you posted on the adventures of Lucy and Scottie as there will be many. Thanks D.I.D :D :D


    This is the beautiful Lucy (Sherri), chillin out with Charlie at her first birthday party.. :)


    Linda, thanks for putting up the pictures of Lucy and Charlie. The next pictures will have Hamish(Gio) in them as well. Lucy is in top form and delighted with her new pal Hamish. They are worn out every evening from walkies and playing non stop. Charlie is happy to sit back and watch. I cannot believe how Lucy has come on since we got her. She is a beautiful dog and a bit of a Diva!! she rules the roost and the boys follow. :lol:


    Lucy and new best friend Hamish

    DID Rescue

    Lucy is in fantastic condition, her coat is just great.
    Well done with this girl she really has parents that love and look after her.
    I love Charlie he looks so sweet. I am glad he is happy with a new kid on the block.

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