Tuck 4 year old staffie -HOMED

Tuck 4 year old staffie -HOMED

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    Hi everybody, this is my first time on the DID Forum. My girlfriend sinead and I adopted Tuck, a four year old staffie. I would like to post some photos of him settling in, can anyone help me out and let me know how to do this. We’re both not used to forums or computers too much so any help would be greatly appreciated. Tuck has settled in really well, he greets everybody with a friendly grin and gets on great with everybody. He has gotten use to our routine now so he knows when it is time for his walks, time for dinner and even when we are bringing him off for the day.


    send them to me chipccod@yahoo.com if you like and ill see what i can do ;)




    oh he’s so cute looks like he is wearing little socks!


    Hi all, well its been almost a year since tuck came into our lives and it has been absolutely fantastic! :D We are so glad we adopted him, and as usual with restricted breeds, we do get the odd ill educated people cowering in fear when we’re walking him, but in general, everybody loves him.
    Tuck had lost the hair on his ears from stress when we got him but all that has grown back and his confidence has grown daily. We have a routine of walks twice a day, for 45 minutes at a time, so he has also lost his little tubby belly.
    Some bad news though :cry: , we found a small lump on his hind paw, he went in to our vet 2day for a biopsy and to have it removed, so as I type, he is lying beside us absolutely wasted from the anaestethic. We have never seen him so quiet! We havent had to put the lampshade on his head yet but I am sure, like the muzzle, he wont like it much.
    Hopefully we get good results back from the lab. Fingers crossed! Also, thank Christ for pet insurance! I would advise all pet owners to get it, you never know.


    Great that Tuck has settled in to your family.

    I hope the biopsy is all clear….fingers/toes & paws crossed here for you all.


    I really hope all goes well and the results coming back from the biopsy will be nothing worrying. You are right to take pet insurance. In the long run it can save you money. Poor guy has lost the hair on his ears but I’m sure that after a while, when he’ll settle completely, they’ll grow back. He must love going outside with you twice daily!!
    We’ll keep our 5 pairs of paws crossed for you and Tuck he looks lovely.


    I have put up this album of some pictures of tuck.


    aww he is gorgeous, will keep my fingers crossed too.


    Thankyou everybody for your good wishes. :) The anaestethic finally wore off this morning and Tuck got some more life again. Luckily, so far he hasn’t really been bothered by the stitches, I just had him out for his usual evening walk and he never even limped on the bad paw. :o
    His check up will be monday, and then stitches out in 2 weeks, hopefully the lab results dont take too long.
    Our vet Liam said the tests are just precaution really, he told us the technical term for the ‘lump’ but I couldn’t pronounce it so I cant remember it :roll:
    He did say if it was what he thought it was everything would be fine. Hopefully he is right!


    Tuck is an absolute dote! Delighted to see that he has got such a good home! We r all keeping 3 sets of paws and 2 lots of fingers crossed that you get good news. Hopefully this may reassure you – we have 3 rescues (2 ex Ashton) and one of ours, Harry, a beardie collie cross has had a succession of lumps removed over the past couple of years. We had good news but I understand what you must be going through, we were up the walls with worry about him at the time. Cant remember the technical name for the lumps – basically there are harmless lumps and those not so harmless. Thankfully, Harry has (and still has) the former – they are basically fatty lumps. Some dogs are just more prone to them than others, however, Harry was very overweight at the time (we spoilt him rotten when he came out of kennels – long story!) and if the doggie is carrying a lot of weight, just as he fills out with the weight, the extra weight exacerbates / accelerates the speed at which the lumps grow. Needless to say, Harry was immediately put on a strict diet and he’s done really well, and continues to do so. Unfortunately, with Harry’s coat, the lumps arent so easily detected – I groom all of my 3 daily and I think its a brilliant habit to get into; it helps the dog feel closer to you and just as important, you notice any changes on their body straight away. I agree totally with you on the pet insurance, when we sent Harry’s lumps away to the lab and got the bill from the vet, between that and the actual removal of each lump (he had about 8 in total at the time), the bill wouldve been about 1,500 or thereabouts and t.g. we only had the 75 excess to pay. Unfortunately, more lumps can grow but its very important that you keep an eye on them, feel them (there should be movement in them and they shouldnt cause pain) and always get any lump checked out. Our friends ignored lump on their dog’s hind leg and it turned out to be cancerous, the dog lost his leg but thankfully has survived. I’m sure Tuck will be fine :) We had the results back from the lab within about 5 days (the vet understands that people are anxious and they will usually endeavour to do their best to get the results to you asap). Again, all crossed for your little man and do let us know how he is! (Sorry for rambling on, hope this helps!)


    Is it a lymphoma? If so, my cat has two of them and they have caused her no bother at all…they just need to be monitored and if they grow too big possibly removed but if not they can just be left as they are.

    Fingers crossed for the little guy, glad he is feeling a bit better and hope when the results come back its good news. keep us updated


    No, not lipoma I dont think, it began with a ‘m’. But I would say its probably the same harmless sort of thing. . . . I hope so anyway.
    Tucks checkup went fine, everything seems to be healing alright and he doesn’t seem bothered at all by the whole thing.
    Just have to wait for results now, the vet says he will definitely have them for when the stitches are coming out.


    Woohoo! Results are all clear, it was just a harmless tumor that young dogs get, I still cant pronounce it. :lol: Stitches are out and he is healing nicely.
    We’re really pleased and the little sod is bound to be spoiled by everybody now. :D
    Thanks again everybody for all your good wishes, we really appreciate it. ;)

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