Bruce – Samoyed *HOMED *

Bruce – Samoyed *HOMED *

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Bruce – Samoyed *HOMED *

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    Urgent foster needed 6/7mt old Samoyed male pup! If you can help please post here.


    This is sorted thanks to SineadH ;) Thanks a mil Sinead ;)


    Bruce Before –

    Bruce After –


    What a difference!!! So fluffy!!!


    We collected Bruce from the lovely ladies in Dunboyne on Saturday evening. He looked gorgeous walking out of the ‘Wagging Tail’ beauty parlour – a little white ball of fluff! He is a gorgeous dog, he’s very friendly and gentle and loves cuddles and kisses! He’s still very puppyish! He is not doing great on the toilet training and doesn’t like being in his crate at night but that can be worked on-he still just settling in. He doesn’t pull on the lead and is a very gentle little boy.
    A total dote!
    We had him at a family BBQ yesterday and he got on with everybody (young children and dogs included) . They all fell in love with him! :) It would be hard not too!

    Bruce had so much fun playing in the garden and running around, he even jumped into the pond when I wasn’t looking! (he really likes the water- he was in it again today!! ) :) But he still looks great after his grooming! :)

    I took a load of pics yesterday but there was something up with the memory card and none of them came out!! I will try upload some later today!


    My name is Gina and myself and my husband are the couple that found Bruce outside our house on Thursday morning last. I am delighted to see how well he looks after his wash and blow dry and that he is doing very well. I have to admit it I would have loved to have kept him as I grew very attached for the 2 days we had him (Who wouldn’t he is so cute and adorable). Unfortunately we already have a 14 month old female German Sheppard who was a wee bit territorial (Although they did get on well for 80% of the time – pure jealousy!). I look forward to hearing about Bruce’s journey until he is placed with his long-term family. Thank you to Marie for finding Bruce a loving foster family.
    Gina & David Murphy.


    As I said earlier, Bruce loves the water! :) The puppies decided to run amuck today and this is how Bruce ended up! :)
    Even in this state he is still gorgeous!!!

    In camouflage.

    So tired after such a great play.

    But, Im so cute!

    The three muskateers!

    And now for our next trick….

    After my bath….


    My five-year-old daughter and I have fallen in love with Bruce on first sight. We have a big garden and we look forward to meeting Bruce to see if he likes us! From the photos it looks likes Bruce has a playful and sweet temperament and we hope meeting him goes well as we would love to give him his forever home. Am just wondering if he barks a lot (as seems to be very common with the breed)? Is he a suitable dog to have with a five-year-old? We look forward to hearing more about Bruce!

    Laurie & Ella

    DID Rescue

    This is one of the best pups I have ever met.
    I walked him all around Dunboyne on Saturday after his make over and you could walk him on your finger he just loved everyone, children, buggies and traffic.
    He is so sweet and gentle and all he wants to do is lick you.
    A real diamond……Someone is going to be so lucky to get this fab boy.


    Like Twist mentioned, he is great on the lead and loves everyone! Thanks again guys for a job well done!

    He didn’t really like getting into the car at first but now happily jumps in as he knows he’s off somewhere fun! :) We had him off the lead a few times and his recall is very good. He is really easy to have around the house and doesn’t mind getting into his crate and is going all night without a peep. He is pretty much house trained at this stage and has never chewed the furniture! (*phew!)

    Regards barking he doesn’t do it excessivly but he is a vocal dog. He wines (very softly) out of happiness when you cuddle and hug him and when he is playing, it’s very cute. When he does bark, it’s still a puppy bark, just a little yap!

    This is my first experience of a Samoyed so I’m not sure of their sutiablility for a 5 year old but my 4 year old niece absolutely adores Bruce and she has walked him on the lead several times and he never pulls her! He is a very gentle dog around adults and children & other dogs so if that is anything to go by I’d say he would fit right in to any household!

    He absolutely LOVES the water, any kind in fact, even the water in his bowl, he will often put his paws in his bowl to cool down and loves the sea! :) He is not afraid of anything and is very patient and gentle even when the hairdryer is on him and sometimes licks the air! :) If he does something bold you almost only have to look at him and he understands! He can already sit, give the paw and lie down and he is a very intelligent dog!

    Bruce is a total little angel!

    Pics to follow


    We are so much looking forward to adopting Bruce! My daughter asks me every day when we can meet him to give him hugs and kisses. Bruce will be her first dog and we have already gone to the pet shop looking at doggie beds and toys and we just can’t wait to give Bruce a loving home. My daughter looks at Bruce’s pictures every day and as she is an only child she has a lot of energy to play in the garden and have fun! We are getting a paddling pool in the next few days so it sounds like Bruce will absolutely love splashing around in the water! We have lots of garden toys and hoola hoops and am sure Bruce will love playing for hours and going for walks in the countryside in rural Co. Laois where we live. We also have a new kitten so hopefully Bruce and Whiskers will become friends (fingers crossed!). The grooming job on Bruce was lovely!


    I just saw this post and think the photos are fantastic! Very professional looking with all dogs posing nicely!! They should be used in the next calender. The one of all three dogs together is magical, they just look like they’re having so much fun! :D

    My sister has a two year old samoyed called Sasha and they are such placid dogs and great with kids. I swear the kids in our family practically sit on top of her and she just lies there and takes it, all the while just smiling back :D But yes, barking is very common with her too, it’s gas, she’s as quiet as a mouse in the house, the minute you take her out she barks non stop, I think they just instinctively just try to round the pack up as they’re out walking, slouchers or slowcoaches will not do thank you very much!


    Is Bruce reserved?

    I came across his details on DID yesterday and sent on an email enquiring about him with an application form. My family would love to give Bruce a new home. We have a Samoyed in the extended family already, they are fantastic dogs. Our guy would love to have Bruce as a playmate!


    Hi Everybody,

    I’ve just joined and im new to this i read all your posts about Bruce me and my son are in love with him aswell we had a house visit on Sat, but ive heard nothing since my son telling all his friends about him so i hope we get him


    Isnt he just a wonderful boy. My son and I have also fallen in love with him. We would love if he could join our family. He would be loved like another child more so than a pet.

    We have our house viewing this week. Wish us luck. And best of luck to all the other ladies and kiddies also, Im sure whoever gets to adopt Bruce will give him the utmost love, affection and time he deserves. He looks like such a happy little pup, be great to see him develope and keep his great qualities :)

    best of luck to all x

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