Dean- Retriever X – HOMED

Dean- Retriever X – HOMED

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Dean- Retriever X – HOMED

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    Met this handsome guy yesterday! He is very good with other dogs he loves children and adults he fits right in at Maries place!
    He will need training as he is quiet strong on the lead and he can jump up at times. So Dean would really need a home which will give him time to learn how to do things right. (even thought bossy Myla tries, she is getting nowhere with him! There is only so many times you can bite a dogs ear!)
    Dean loves attention and loves nothing more than a big cuddle. He would make a lovely pet for an active family

    DID Rescue

    This is one good lookin boy, very smart but has a sense of humour.
    He is fantastic with a tennis ball and is totally food orientated.
    Great with all dogs big, small , male and female. He is not really into cats except to chase them.He has never been on a lead so we are going to try a harness next week.
    He has been neutered and had his hind dew claws removed and been very good about it all and not even wearing a lampshade.
    He loves all sorts of toys and plays tug with Myla regularly.
    He has not been fed any dry food and will will do without rather than try but today I found a favourite in Tuna fish so hopefully he will progress.
    He likes being brushed and sits while you do it.

    Today he thought all his Birthdays came together as Kealan got a Swing Ball set and Dean spent the morning attached to it and doing some very impressive twists in the air.
    If someone wanted a dog to bring on and work with Dean is the man and good looking too.

    DID Rescue

    Tonight I tried Dean on a harness and he did well when reminded I was attached to the other end. By the time we were coming home he was strolling happily beside me.
    But he is totally a city slicker and not a country bumpkin as a cow looked over the gate and he nearly died of fright.
    He stood rooted to the spot, growling and reversing at the same time it was really funny.
    On the way back he remembered where the big black thing was and started walking in reverse just to keep an eye on this alien in case it attacked him…………..he was really funny.

    Dean is really smart and learns quickly and loves nothing better than a challange.
    He really responds to one to one, praise and treats.
    The eating is improving but he loved having a sample of salmon tonight he was only short of standing on his head for it.
    This boys ideal home is to be involved with all that goes on to keep him occupied and he would love training classes. He would play ball all day long.

    DID Rescue

    Well Dean is doing very well here and due to get his stitches out tomorrow. He is really sharp, quick to learn, loves toys and will do anything for a ball or treat.
    He is such a good looking dog I cannot believe he has not bee snapped up. He is so fantastic with all dogs, children and adults, he is a real gem.
    If you want to have a dog to bring on in agility or flyball or just jog, play ball or run Dean is the man for the job.
    He is very affecionate, loving and a real fun guy.
    He is doing well on his harness and is now housetrained.


    Have just been looking online for rescue dogs and came across Dean.
    I used to have a dog just like this when I was a boy. I live in Matlock, Derbyshire, England have a wife and 3 boys aged between 10 and 13, and also 2 dogs, 1 is a 2 year old corgi/jack russell cross (female) and the other a 4 year old collie cross (male). We have a large garden and would love to take another rescue dog. Both these two are rescue dogs, and our last dog who unfortunately passed away was also a rescue dog. Would love to find out more about Dean.



    Hi John

    Many thanks for your interest in Dean. Can you please fill in an adoption form under forms & downloads on the main site and email it back, someone will then be in touch.



    Hi John

    Many thanks for your interest in Dean. Can you please fill in an adoption form under forms & downloads on the main site and email it back, someone will then be in touch.

    Will do. Just taking doggies round the block. Will fill in shortly.


    Filled in as requested and emailed. How long usually before i’m contacted ?


    Thought i’d just post an update on these two.

    Dean, we picked up from Maria’s last July after seeing him on the Dogs in Distress website. He is a really friendly fellow and me and him got on really well from the off. He was sick in the car before arriving at the ferry back to England. Once onboard, though, he had a good crossing and wasn’t particularly fussed. Back on dry land again I took him for several little walks on the journey back to Matlock. However, he refused to do anything at all. I’m sure he must have been bursting! Arrived back home late in the evening and decided it would be a good idea if me and Deany slept in the caravan together that night. I did not fancy introducing the other dogs to him at that time of night. Still Dean had not done a wee. What can you do if the little fella does not want to go ! Anyway, to bed we went and i slept with my hand on him most of the night. He seemed contented.
    The following morning, I got up and took him round the block for an early morning walky and he finally relieved himself. 3/4 the way round, unbeknown to me, my wife appeared walking the other 3 doggies. This was not how i had intended introducing the doggies to eachother, but I was here now, and had little or no choice. As it turned out, they all sniffed eachother and got on really well. Phhew !
    Marie had told me, Deany was a bit of a character. This must be the Irish term for "Naughty little Devil" !! If it’s not nailed down, Deany will have it ! We have been through 4 sky remote controls, a couple of dozen pens and he has this fettish for dirty socks or pants. You may be thinking why did we not keep the remote out of reach after the first one got chewed. Well we always seem to start out with good intentions, then one of us will forget and just leave the remote on the settee and before you can blink……………it’s too late. We’ve also had CD’s chewed and DVD’s. He is getting better, although the odd pen and sock still gets the Dean treatment. I’m sure he’ll grow out of it eventually!

    Daisy was a little more difficult to get hold of. By the time we had let Maria know that we would like to take Daisy also (was still in the pound), arrangements were already under way to take Daisy to the Dog’s Trust in Scotland. After several phone calls, we managed to track her down. She had eventually ended up at the Dog’s Trust in Leeds. We explained what our intentions were and they were really really helpful. They agreed we could go and see her on the Sunday. We waited in reception, as Daisy was out being walked. I saw her come back in through the front door and went to introduce myself to her. She had been described as underweight. I had not quite realised how underweight this poor girl was, she was very skinny indeed, with ribs and backbone all prominent. Anyway, she greeted me just as I had been told she would by putting her arms (doggy legs) around my neck. I instantly fell in love. She is now doing brilliantly well with the rest of our motley crew. Below are a few pictures of them all. Tasha is the foxy looking one. Jack is the collie cross. Dean is the black retriever and Daisy is the pointer.


    I love the way the dogs all get the comfy couch and the adults/humans are banished to the harder chairs lol


    brilliant photo of all the dogs on the couch :lol:


    Hi Marie,
    All the doggies are doing well. Had over 2 feet of snow since last Saturday and they’re all loving it.
    Could not get to the woods yesterday because the snow was too bad. Tried again late today and got there ok, but it was a bit too deep to go very far. They all loved it, but I was struggling!
    Dean just loves ploughing through the snow.
    In normal weather Dean has the most amazing way of negotiating anything. The forestry commision have cut down loads of trees in the last year. When Dean decides to go full pelt across the lumpy bumpy ground with tree stumps everywhere, I just cannot look. I keep thinking he’ll trip up and go head over heels, but he just seems to glide over anything.
    Daisy is such a dear and very cuddly. She loves her walks and pretty much does her own thing. She has her own agenda and feels as though she must do the rounds and explore every path before we go home. She can disappear for 10 mins at a time, but always comes back in time to come home. She is getting better and now graces us with here presence sometimes up to 3 times on the walk.
    Below are a few pictures. Excuse the slob on the couch. Oh yeah, Deany still nicks the odd sock……….he has a fettish for undies and socks!

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