Sunny – Golden Labrador pup

Sunny – Golden Labrador pup

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Sunny – Golden Labrador pup

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    This is Sunny, she is an 8 month old labrador pup who came from Galway pound. Sunny like her name absolutely lovely, she is such a sweet and affectionate pup, she is very submissive and just wants to please everyone. She loves to give hugs and would happily be petted all day long! She loves her food and travels excellently in the car. She is great with other dogs and cats. She has only just gone into foster care so won’t be ready for a couple of weeks yet to be rehomed. We will update with plenty more information as we get to know this brilliant dog. She is a medium to large sized dog and its safe to say fully grown now. She will be neutered, vaccinated, wormed and micro-chipped before going to her new home.


    As her name suggests she has a sunny disposition! She is very lively-like any puppy- and loves to get all your attention! :)
    Initially she was jumping up on everyone and everything and had no manners, but as she is settling into her surroundings she is calming down!
    She sits when told. She is a little confused about the house training and has gone for a few wees right at the back door! Every time literally just after coming in from a walk or playing in the garden!

    She doesn’t bark at night, doesn’t chew furniture or scratch at anything and is delighted to see us in the morning.

    We had her on the beach yesterday and today for a nice long walk and she seems grand on the lead. Doesn’t really pull, but walks ahead of you, beside you and under you, and initially kept checking that we were there beside her!
    Very puppy like-nothing a bit of handling couldn’t sort out. We let her off the lead yesterday for a few minutes and came straight back to us when we called..(I was a bit apprehensive letting her off- I wasn’t in the mood for running madly down the beach-but she saved me the jog). Today we were the only people on the beach and let her off again- this time she ignored us when we called at first but eventually came running with her tail wagging like mad!

    I took her for a walk to the local park and had to walk through part of the village. She tried to jump up on every person that walked by- she was very excited- but they just smiled at her. How could they not?
    Her tail nearly fell off when she realized she was back home and in familiar surroundings and she bounded in the door.

    All day yesterday she followed us everywhere we went, in and out of every room like a shadow and has begun to get her independence in the house. She will allow you to leave the room without inspection, but with investigate if your gone for any lenghty period. As I watch her right now, she is chilling out and is as content as anything.

    All in all she is a happy young lady and is delighted to free!

    Will post up pics ( when i work out how) and more info as the days go by- but for now, she is a pleasure to foster!


    Sunny NOW!

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