Coco – Chocolate Lab

Coco – Chocolate Lab

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    Hi all,
    Just wanted to update you on Coco.
    She’s with us since yesterday morning and it feels like she’s always been here.
    She slept all the way from her fantastic Foster home to our house yesterday morning with her head on Cathal’s lap as he drove. She loves cuddling up to you. She sat on A’s lap today when she was watching tv and fell asleep, A thought it was the most hilarious thing, cos Coco is almost the same size as her. C loves throwing the ball for her almost as much as Coco loves catching it. She keeps telling us that it’s great that Coco is part of our family now.

    She’s been on lots of walks and the girls love playing with her. She’s had no accidents at all in the house. I got up earlier than usual this morning to clean up after her and was more than surprised that there was nothing to clean up !! She’s getting lots of praise and is loving every minute of it.

    She’s already improving on the lead. She still pulls a bit but she’s getting better each time we go out.

    We’re really looking forward to the Summer now, ‘cos we’re planning a few weekends of camping, now Coco can come with us. :D

    My camera is on the blink, but hopefully I should have it back during the week. I’ll post some photos as soon as I can.

    Just wanted to say thanks so much to Marie and everybody at Dogs in Distress. You all do a fantastic job and without you, who knows where the gorgeous Coco would be now.

    Will post regular updates to let you know how she is.



    Hi all,

    I really hope these photos work. If they don’t I’ll send them onto someone who’ll put them up here for me.

    Well, Coco has settled in now and is a fully fledged part of the family.
    C has become really attached to her and just rolls around the floor playing with her. Coco has her bed in our kitchen but has taken over the beanbag in the living room also. I actually caught C and Coco flaked out on the beanbag the other day covered up with a blanket !!!!

    My flippin camera is still away being fixed, so I’m missing out on so many photo opportunities. We went to visit my sister last week and she took the photos above.

    Coco has had her stitches out from her Spaying last week and the vet said her wound was fine.

    She’s great on the lead now, just trots alongside you when you walk. Her recall is great too. She’s really fast and loves catching the ball. She prefers it when Cathal walks her ‘cos he can throw farther, unfortunately I throw like a girl :lol:

    A’s Montessori Teacher brought the class to the DSPCA a couple of months ago on a field trip, and they learned how to approach a dog properly without scaring them. She asked Cathal last week if he’d bring Coco to class when he was collecting A, so that the children could meet her and practise what they had learned. A was proud as punch when Coco met all of her classmates. Coco is still the talk of the class !!

    I’ll give you another update soon, when I sort out my camera I’ll get some better photos of her.


    Sharon K

    Congratulations on getting Coco, we also adopted a chocolate lab in February, best thing we ever did. Ours is Tyson, aged 4. What a sweet dog! We’ve been bringing him to doggy school on Sunday mornings cos he’s so strong and likes to bark at other dogs and it seems to be helping.

    anyway congrats again, enjoy Coco!

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