Ruby – Red Setter

Ruby – Red Setter

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Ruby – Red Setter

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    Ruby is a 4 year old Red Setter who is currently looking for a new home as her family no longer have the time for her. Ruby is excellent with children and with other dogs. She is great on the lead and great in the car. She is house trained and well behaved in the home. She is really loving and gentle and just wants to be loved. Ruby does not like cats and will chase livestock if allowed. Ruby does not like the water but has excellent recall and would make someone a lovely companion. Ruby is neutered, vaccinated and micro-chipped.


    Hi,just wondering if Ruby is still with you guys…can’t find any info related to her on the website. Has she arleady found a family? Please keep me posted.


    I saw Ruby in Happy Endings so some lucky family has obviously adopted her! I was going to apply to adopt Ruby a while back as I’ve really seriously been thinking about getting a second dog for months now and the Madra Rua is right up there in my top three favourite dogs so imagine my excitement when I first saw this beauty. Unfortunately though I have a cat who is quite a senior gentleman and I saw that Ruby doesn’t like cats so unfortunately for me I had to resist. But I’m delighted to see that the beautiful Ruby has gotten a happy ending, well done DID ;)


    Thank u again for your reply. Sorry but I’m pretty new here so I still have to understand how this forum works.. :roll:
    Not sorprised Ruby is safe and sound now due to her spirit and her stunning beauty. I’m glad for her and I wish her all the best. I’ll still keep her pic on my pc.
    Thank u again,


    Ruby chillin on the beanbag/couch :D

    Ruby and her friend :D

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