Lucy Golden Lab 4 months

Lucy Golden Lab 4 months

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Lucy Golden Lab 4 months

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    Hi all, Andrew and Karen here we recently adopted a gorgeous Lab called Lucy, and we are delighted to say that she is everything we hoped for and more. Every day has been fun packed from start to finish she really has endless energy. We picked her up late on Saturday and after a long and exaustive Journey from Kerry she finally got to her new home here in Arklow, We got up good and early on the Sunday and we were met with excitment at the kitchen door, her temperment is amazing way beyond that of a normal 4 month old pup let alone a lab, the first place we headed for was the beach, we were a litlle apprehensive at first to let her off the leash but when we did she never left our side for long…. she just loves to play fetch in fact its turning into an all day thing and has no fear of the water, its amazing to watch, Thanks to ll the team in Dogs in distress, you really matched the perfect Dog to the perfect home, her temperment round our other dog Toto and to our 2 young daughters is great too, I wanted to submit photos too but cant figure out how to do it, if any one can help that would be great


    please email me photos to and I would be delighted to put them up for you, thank you for giving lucy such a lovely new home :D


    I have some lovely photos of Lucy also from when she stayed with me last weekend- and i agree- she is SUPER!!!! Such a chilled out little lady and i just adored her!!She is so laid back and happy in her own skin-which is just fabulous to see!!!I will upload the photos i have of her also but cant wait to see her in her new home!!!!! :D :D


    Hi Andrew & Karen – great to hear how Lucy is getting on – she’s one lucky little lady :D How is she getting on with Oscar your cat? I couldn’t believe my eyes when I visited you last week and saw Oscar and Toto, your little Yorkie wrestling around having great fun :lol: Best of luck to you all and make sure you keep us posted :)


    Hi, I have emailed on the photos of lucy this morning, she is so good we are all mad about her, even when she is bold you cant give out to her, she just looks at you, with those big brown eyes and all is forgiven, we have had her on the beach every day since we got her she just loves swimming in the sea, she is ball and stick mad and brings it straight back for you to throw it again. Her and the yorky get on great they love playing together. Yesterday me and lucy were in swimming in the sea, and toto came in, well i never saw a dog swim back out so quick,his little legs were going ninety! he never went in the sea before, i think he thought because i kept telling lucy she was a good girl everytime she went in after the stick, that he decided to give it a go, he hasnt went in again since. Oscar the cat wasnt sure of her at first and kept his distance but now they are grand, they can all be in the one room together, but he hasnt tried getting into the bed with her just yet, give it time and i will have a
    photo of the three of them in the bed together!


    Thrilled to say I recently met Lucy with Toto and her lovely new family! She looks amazing and is having a great time! Toto also completly stole my heart, he is absolutely adorable! Fair play to Karen and Andrew who are looking after them so well, and for all the wonderful work they have done with Toto. He had so many health requirements and had to have a v expensive operation. He now looks amazing and Lucy is very lucky to have found such a lovely home!

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