Marco – JRT

Marco – JRT

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Marco – JRT

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  • #76486

    Name: Marco

    Reference Number:

    Sex: Male

    Located: Ashton Pound


    Date Out: Unknown

    Marco is a lovely chap, he has a blue diamonte collar on, all bling! ;) Great with other dogs and is only approx 1 year old.



    boom boom

    Hi all, just an update on Marco now called Gizmo. We brought him home tuesday morning and he has settled in very well and is spoiled rotten so far.

    He has developed kennel cough but we got him an antibiotic of the vet so he should be fine.

    He loves his walks and his toys, we will upload some photos at the weekend.

    boom boom

    Just a quick update on Gizmo his oul 60 a day cough cleared up he has been vaccinated now and is going in to be neutured this week. He loves his new home and his toys is getting used to socialising with other dogs. He is the most curious little thing i have ever come across he has no fear and is very good off the lead.

    As promised before I will upload some photos soon

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