Clancy Black Lab Pup – Now Ossie

Clancy Black Lab Pup – Now Ossie

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    Hi all,
    Clancy (black Lab x puppy) now Ossie (as per Maria’s black lab in Coronation Street!) is now with us a week today.

    He has settled in really well has a great temperament and my two daughters have really fallen for him. Full of play and sleeps a lot and has adapted to his create very well. He already sits and gives his paw on command (thanks to Mimi who did a great job fostering him). He does pull on the lead, however with a bit of patience we will get him walking on a loose lead soon. I’ve had a few funny looks from people when I stop every few steps when he pulls!!

    He is off to the Vet’s for his adult vaccinations tomorrow and will post some pic’s soon.

    Will keep you updated


    It’s great Ossie has settled in well with the family. He is such a great dog and It’s wonderful, I think, that you’re taking the time to train him. He’ll be a such a good little doggie citizen. Please post photos.

    – Mimi V.


    Hi all,

    Some pics of Ossie as promised. We have Ossie 4 weeks tomorrow and he is getting on great. Loves his daily morning walk in the Phoenix park and has been no trouble at all. The vet even remarked how relaxed and placid he is so we are thrilled with him.

    Best Regards


    What a poser!!! Absolutely gorgeous guy :) This fella’s going to have you all wrapped around his little paw :lol:

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