Bodie – was Raheem

Bodie – was Raheem

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Bodie – was Raheem

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  • #76184
    Bodies mum

    Bodie is a pleasure to have around, and all the rest of the family have accepted him without any problems, although the cats are finding life a little more hectic.

    He has bonded very well with my mad collie and the 2 of them have great fun chasing about over the fields.

    He is very eager to please which is making him a delight to train at school.

    Just thought you my like to see some pics of Bodie :)

    Checking out the garden when he first arrived.

    making himself at home on the bed.

    having a cuddle (he thinks he is a lap dog).

    out with some of the pack

    enjoying the snow

    hope you like them, will update some more soon.
    Karen & the hairy 4 x 4’s
    Bodie, Tyler, Spirit, Zebedee, Kizzy, Dale, Boo & Bean.


    He is a Beauty :D He looks full of confidence now compared to when he was in the pound.Thank you for giving him a new home :D


    Oh wow I fell in love with this guy when he was first on here. He looks as though hes found the most wonderful home. Thank you so much for throwing him a lifeline. I love the pic of him in the snow – make a great christmas card!!

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