Stella and Nico (Previously Ebony & Ivory)

Stella and Nico (Previously Ebony & Ivory)

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Stella and Nico (Previously Ebony & Ivory)

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    I am currently looking after these two fantastic little pups and they are just so loving.
    They would spend the whole day just sleeping on your lap if you let them.

    This is Nico in the middle cuddling up with my own two.


    Hi All,

    Stella wasnt doing too well for a while there but she is back fighting fit. She had to spend a few nights with the vet but we got her back yesterday and she was glad to be back with her brother.

    They are really well behaved and we dont hear a peep out of them throughout the night until about 7am when they wake up and ask to be let out into the garden.

    They will make a great addition to any family, if they went together Im sure they would be happier but individually would be as good.


    Hi Colin

    Would we be able to get a few pics of them both for the main website? Thanks a mill! Am glad Stella is feeling better :)


    Just a few to start


    They are gorgeous!! And so fluffy!! :)


    How old are these pups? Very cute!


    they are only about 10 to 12 weeks and are the sweetest little darlings..


    Hi, I was just hoping that the families that adopted these two could post updated pics when they got a chance. I really miss them both, they were such fantastic pups.


    Meet the lovely Nico NOW! :D


    Oh wow more of my little foster babies look at the size of him… Great to see these pic’s….


    Stella Now Lily!! :D

    "yes we are getting on great with Lily ( you named her Stella) I’ve enclosed a few photos for you to look at she’s the black one, we have another dog called poppy who met lily when we first adopted her. Lily is adorable and such a cutie, she’s still very hyper and even if we go out of a room where she is she goes mad when we walk back in, she’s so excited to see us. Lily and poppy both get on great and now lily is ‘starting’ to calm down a bit they are getting on even better. Lily is now one and had her birthday last week, we guessed her birthday as you thought she was about 8/ 10 weeks when we adopted her so she had a little party, yes we are mad and gave her pressies all wrapped up in birthday paper. She is part of our family and such a lovely lively happy dog and such a cutie."

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