Little Marley in h is new home

Little Marley in h is new home

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Little Marley in h is new home

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    Marley all grown up with his new girlfriend how cute, his new family say they’re getting on brilliantly and so funny together, missin you Marls!!! such a cutie,and soooo handsome, so happy for him :P :P :P


    Sorry for replying so late, very busy with work/christmas etc etc!

    Anyway, yep Marley has settled in great and is getting on fantastic with Amie. The two of them are constantly playing and having fun together.
    Their favourite game is to basically grab the same toy and just play tug with it. Which usually ends up with a room full of fluff and an empty stuffed toy.

    He is very obedient and pretty much completely housetrained at this point. Can’t say anything bad about him at all, he is great! :)


    Wow he is gettin so big, they make a lovely couple, amie is just a dote i have to say an sure marley is just the nicest puppy ever!!


    Gorgeous pictures of the two of them together :D They really were the lovliest pups :P Marley looks very very happy. :D


    Quick update on Marley. He is growing very fast and is now almost 14 kg, he has grown 4 kg in the last month and a half!
    He loves going to the beach and running around and is so clever. We also discovered he has webbed paws which would point to some hunting dog in him, more than likely a bit of lab/golden retreiver. I haven’t got many new pictures at the moment.


    Ah isn’t he just the cutest little baby….hope he’s doin’ well dave, I’d say you can’t even picture life without the little guy now! has he grown much in height or anythin?? tell him flash and blue say hi!!!! :P


    He is about 50cm at the shoulder I would guess. We couldn’t imagine life without him now for sure, and Amie would be lost without him also. It is so funny when they get up in the morning the way they go over to say hello to each other, licking eachothers faces.

    The only problem he has had is with travelling in the car. He was really bad initially and would get car sick and very nervous in the car, we felt so sorry for him. But over the Christmas especially he has been in the car a lot and he hasn’t got sick in the past few weeks. He can still get a little nervous, but he is getting there and is miles better than he was!


    Just a little update.

    Marley went in for the snip on Friday and is doing great. The vet gave us one of those hats, but Marley hasn’t gone near his stitches so far (touch wood!), so we haven’t had to use it.

    The vet said he was so quiet after the op, but then he saw our car arrive in the car park and went crazy!

    Other than that he is still doing fantastic! Such a great personality.
    It looks like he doesn’t like cats though, whenever he sees them he starts barking (and he has some bark!).


    That’s such great news about Marley – so glad to see that he is doing so well. Well done :D


    A few pics I took yesterday. The two of them were out in the snow and it made them hyper!

    I love the expression on Amies face here! She looks terrified but believe me, she gives as good as she gets!


    A few pics I took yesterday. The two of them were out in the snow and it made them hyper!

    I love the expression on Amies face here! She looks terrified but believe me, she gives as good as she gets!

    [/quote:3aj9689u] what a happy little boy! wll done all of you.


    Ah how grown up is he???? He looks so happy with his little friend, looks great Dave… couldn’t have went to a nicer home ;)


    Lovely to see him all grown up. Would love to see them again and see how they are. Well done David.


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