Lady aka Santo

Lady aka Santo

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Lady aka Santo

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    Lady is very settled here, and still very happy. She has had to deal with another temporary foster. She has taken her on very well. Was originally feeling left out, as the new arrival is a little puppy who of course received lots of attention, but lady now protects her, my neighbours dog came in and started harrassing the puppy, and lady ran over and protected her, No aggression just body language! which made my heart swell with pride. She really is such a fantastic dog. I think she is so fantastic and i mean that when i say i would keep her, i really would. I am besotted with her. She is so brilliant. I will try and get a pic up of her. She is so special. I love the way she just wants someone to love, she expects nothing in return, just wants to be part of a family.
    lady is beautiful.. :P :)


    I sent an e mail to sarah today, we would be very happy to re home lady, i am sure that she would be very happy in our home. she looks beautiful in her pics and we hope to get to meet her soon.


    My wonderful lady left me today. I am so happy for her, she has fallen on all four of her beautiful paws.. She really is a fabulous dog, and i hope it all works out for her. I miss her a lot tonight. Its weird not seeing her, you never heard cos she never barked or anything. She really is a fantastic dog. We love and miss ya loads Lady. who is now gonna be called Honey. you are a special girl…


    My wonderful lady left me today. I am so happy for her, she has fallen on all four of her beautiful paws.. She really is a fabulous dog, and i hope it all works out for her. I miss her a lot tonight. Its weird not seeing her, you never heard cos she never barked or anything. She really is a fantastic dog. We love and miss ya loads Lady. who is now gonna be called Honey. you are a special girl…


    So pleased this girl found has a new home. A gorgeous dog whose foster mummy will miss her like mad I am sure. Good luck Lady.

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