Harry – Staffie Pup

Harry – Staffie Pup

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Harry – Staffie Pup

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    Well the beautiful Harry has been with me for nearly three months now and is finally (reluctantly I might add!) up for adoption. This little guy has been through so much in his short life. Following on from the surgery to correct his right persistent aortic arch he caught an awful bug during which he lost nearly half his body weight and nearly didn’t make it but thanks to Syd and everyone in Cara Vets he is back to full health now! He really is a very special pup and is a right little character. He is spoilt rotten from being sick for so long and definitely needs someone who is home all day as he has got very used to having constant company!! He is absolutely brilliant with small kids and is well used to babies! He is not a mouthy puppy and loves nothing more than to sit licking your hand so a house with small children will be suitable for him too! He doesnt necessarily need another dog for company as he is not really able for rough play. He gets on grand with my Frankie but is afraid of the girls in my house as they are too bouncy for him! Because of his surgery he is still being hand fed but eats very fast and it only takes a couple of minutes now compared to the 40 mins it used to take at the start and is improving all the time! He can now drink water from a bowl off the ground and hopefully in the near future he will be able to eat his food from a raised bowl but his new family will need to be aware that this may not happen for some time or ever! If anyone is interested in giving this sweetheart a new home please do not hesitate to pm or ring me to ask me any questions!


    Awww Gwen he is gorgeous. I bet it will be really hard to say goodbye to him, especially after all he has been through. But you have done such a fantastic job with this little guy.


    ah look at the man himself…… And im on about Harry not Mark!!!!!!Sorry mark :lol: :lol: this little fella is the sweetest little guy… Gwen this is the one that will break your heart IF he goes but you and your family have done a fantastic job bring him back to good health and spoiling him rotton… You deserve a medal cos he was hard work in the begining let alone when he got sick too… And he looks fab now.. Fair play!! ;)

    Sharon K

    Have sent you a pm would be very interested in Baby Harry


    Harry is getting on fantastic in his new home! ;)


    I actually got a chance to meet Harry’s new family – they are lovely – he’s going to get so much love and attention. He is one lucky puppy.

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