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Membernellie had a great day today! we went for a really long walk and she totally ignored a cat, which is great progress for her!
she has learned the ‘up to the kerb’ command and ‘wait’ then ‘forward’! so she is doing wonders! she still pulls on the leash but thats just her natural puppy curiousity.
she had a play date with my lab and my friends lab and golden ret. there was a bit of a kerfuffle with the other lab over a toy but they soon became fast friends!
she is eating very well now, practically licks the bowl clean now in one go as opposed to in the beginning when it would take a good 20 minutes to get her to eat about half of her food.
she still jumps up on new people when she meets them but settles after a few minutes and potters about her business of sniffing out anything of interest!trishaf
Memberbrilliant stuff suzi! he just looks so adoradble, how could you not fall in love with that face?
Memberomg he is gorgeous! i couldnt stop laughing when i opened the thread and saw his picture, he has the look of mischief about him! if he is ok with children, then il try to take him in for fostering. my current puppy should be moving onto her forever home in the very near future (if she’s lucky)
Memberhi animal helper, i currently have nellie (patterdale terrior) and also my own lab. i think kay was saying nellie would be off to a forever home i the v. near future. if thats the case, i most certainly have room for wee joey! he will just have a great time with my lab ret. he is ok with kids?
Membernellie is doing great. she now knows she is not allowed to jump up on the couch and is eating much better. she is sleeping very well and plays very well with my lab. she is also not in heat anymore!
Memberis there anything i can do to help? im pretty good with labs
Membernellie is with me and my massive lab now (well she’s massive compared to wee nellie!)
nellie is quite a character! she will jump up and down like tigger when she see’s her leash or when she wants to go out to the toilet. everyone who meets nellie falls in love with her! show her any small amount of kindness and you have a friend for life in nellie! loves lots of love and affection but she will certainly return it.i am currently crate training nellie which she seems to have taken to quite well. she is fully toilet trained. (she had a couple of accidents the day she arrived but that was down to nervousness) she doesnt like complete darkness (it reminds her of the pound) so i leave a nightlight on for her and she sleeps like a little angel.
she grumbles a bit at cats but loves other dogs. is very calm with them and great with kids. she pulls a little on the leash but thats just because she is just so nosey, she wants to take everything in!!! i have gotten her to stop jumping up on the couches (she learns very quickly)
a great dog for any family (just as long as you dont have a cat lol) -