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MemberHe is gorgeous Belinda
You did a fantastic job grooming him! He looks so happy
MemberIm sure this little angel gets more adorable by the day
He is such fun…He had a busy day today and is fast asleep in his bed right now
He is exactly the same height as my 2 yr old cavalier but he has a bit more growing to do as he is only around 12 weeks old.
We are really enjoying having him around,he is a sweetheart
Here are some more photos of the gorgeous little chap022.JPG
MemberThis baby is so good,we had some people over for dinner last night and he was so well behaved,he is an absolute sweetheart! He loves his grub and if given the chance would steal food off our plates
He also loves to sit up on our chair in the garden and soak up a little sun in the afternoon,he is getting on great with my own dogs,loves to chase them and have a good roll around in the grass…
He loves to steal my Mia’s toys and chews and hide them in his bed,and he has a bit of a shoe fetish,any shoes left out are fair game for a good oul chew
He is a typical puppy,full of fun and loves as much kisses and cuddles as he can get. He is also getting much better at holding his peepee until he gets outside,great little boy!Tbyrne
MemberThis cheeky little boy likes to steel my softest jumpers and cardigans
MemberMore pics of Bisto!
MemberWell this little fella is just gorgeous.
He really is just a furry baby who enjoys cuddles and kisses and loves to give them back in return!
He is a little bundle of fun who adores the company of children and gets on fantastic with other dogs!
He did not like the crate at all when he first arrived a few days ago but now he will happily go in with a toy or a chew and stay there for a little while.He also sleeps in the crate at night for me,but because he’s only young i bring him out for a pee and stretch his legs during the night but he then goes back to bed until we all wake up.
He will still have little pee-pee’s on the floor if he isnt brought out regularly but as i said,he is only a baby!! He will get there soon im sure!He will make a great addition to any family!
MemberWhat a happy,happy day for the wonderful Tiny
He was awake bright and breezy this morning and after a special treat,his lovely new family arrived to take him to his new home
He was so delighted to see them and they were so excited to be taking him home
He had a special spring in his step this morning,he knew that his big day had finally arrived!
We are sure going to miss this fab little man,there is something very special about him…
We wish him the very best of luck in his new place,i just know he is going to be spoiled rotten!!!
I look forward to hopefully seeing some updates on him here in the future…Farewell my little friend XXX
MemberWell its fantastic news for Tiny
It seems he is going to join his lovely new forever family on Sunday and we couldnt be happier for him
He so deserves this lucky break,he really is such a lovely little chap,we havnt had a moments bother with him and we are really going to miss him so much
He has brought so much joy and has such a hugh sense of fun about himI have no doubts that he will love his new life,i have met his new people and they are lovely. I will post again after he has his Happy Ending on Sunday
MemberWell this little man is still keeping us entertained here
He just gone into bed now with his chewy bone he had buried a few days ago…and just dug up tonight!! He was a good boy and let me take it off him so i could rinse it first as it was pretty mucky!! He is getting wise now and knows just how to give me the "sad eyes" when he wants hugs! and treats! and walks!
I think and hope very much that this baby will get the happy ending he deserves very soon072.JPG
MemberJust a little update on Tiny-and my apologies if i have posted the same update or photos twice-i am having some broadband probs the past couple days that i wont bore you with!
This little fella is doing great,eating and drinking and enjoying his walks and generally just loving life!!
He really does need a front door to call his own though,even though we are just loving every moment with him
He is such a happy go lucky little man who loves kids and adults and other dogs!
Just a reminder that he is neutered,microchipped,wormed and was vaccinated today! He also has a lovely clean,shiny coat!
He is just waiting to be adopted and to finally have a home to call his own
Here are a few more pictures of Tiny!!071.JPG
MemberThis little man is very funny,we are starting to see his little funny ways…we noticed that when he runs up the stairs he will only go as far as the 4th or 5th stair and then run back down!
He is also a very elegant little fella,he tippy-toes around!
He"s eating very well-never any leftovers!
He just loves all the attention he"s getting off the kids and i have to say he is absolutely fantastic with them,he is more than happy to be chased and played with all day…
Bye evening time though he loves nothing more than to snooze in his bed or on the sofaTbyrne
MemberWell we are having great fun with this little man, we had my folks over today for a visit and he had them in stitches laughing with his funny little jump!!
He gets on great with everyone and just loves being out running around the garden with the kids and other dogs…he is such a sociable little guy
He is an angel at night too…sleeps all night and hasnt had even one accident in my house..
He pulls on the lead a little at first when brought out but after a couple of mins he settles down.
We are really enjoying the time we are having with the Hansom Tiny!Im confidant he will be snapped up soon by the loving family he deserves, he truly is a little joy
MemberWell i gave him the big hug from you but might get Mia to give him the sloppy lick from Lola
He slept like a baby all night,there wasnt a peep out of him and is in great form today
Got him a few chewys from the petshop to keep him happy…
My kids just love him..hes a little pet..
I too am very surprised that he hasnt been snapped up yet…
He will make a wonderful addition to any family,lots of energy for playing yet still loves to just sit on your lap and and be spoiled!Tbyrne
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MemberMore Tiny
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