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  • in reply to: Eddie Jack russell terrier – HOMED #102430

    Yes, alls well that ends well and i will be keeping Heidi away from him in future ;) I guess its just a terrier thing alright-thankfully i was there at the right moment :)

    in reply to: Eddie Jack russell terrier – HOMED #102418

    Well i had been wondering what this boy was like with kittys as his feline foster sister had been staying out of his way up to now- But it seems he DOES NOT like them :twisted:
    He got a hold of her a while ago but thankfully i got to him on time and Heidi got away safely :o :o :o
    I dont think this little man should go to a home with kittys at all ;)
    Apart from this he is great,he is brilliant with other dogs and so gentle with kids ;)

    in reply to: Eddie Jack russell terrier – HOMED #102319

    Well i just want to get the super-fab Eddie to the top of the board again as he is just so amazing, i wouldnt want him to be forgotten about :lol: :lol: :lol:
    This little man seems to be fine now after being neutered on Thursday ;) He is eating great and sleeping like a baby at night, He is a smart little man,he is starting to answer to his name now and understands that he is NOT allowed up the stairs if he has just been outside and his feet are wet and muddy :twisted:
    Eddie really is a brilliant little dog, i simply wouldnt be able to find a single fault with him-i hope this angel gets the Happy Ending he so needs soon,he is a little gem-I will get those photos up in a day or 2 ;)

    in reply to: Domino – 7 wk old terrier x *HOMED* #102271

    Aww, i am so jealous, just look at those fab eyebrows :D
    He is gorgeous ;)

    in reply to: Eddie Jack russell terrier – HOMED #101987

    Im so proud of Eddie today-he was neutered this morning and although he must be so sore and tired,he is still so good humoured :)
    At the minute he is fast asleep in his bed wrapped in blankets-this poor little man is getting super spoilt today after his ordeal ;)
    He will be getting something warm and tasty for dinner tonight when he feeling a little better :) He is a fab little guy,and i just melt when he looks at me with those beautiful brown eyes :P
    The family who adopt this little man are in for a real treat,he is funny, good humoured, easy going, brilliant with kids and other dogs,house-trained and did i mention good looking :D
    I will put up some more snaps soon ;)

    in reply to: Eddie Jack russell terrier – HOMED #100355

    Well Eddie is being so good here with us-he has settled right in and is getting on great with the whole family :)
    He is a fab little boy-adores kisses and hugs and enjoys just pottering about the house or the garden for a few minutes when the rain stops ;) He is a real softy and doesnt ask for a lot,all he wants is a family of his own where he will be able to settle down,but for the moment while he is waiting,we are more than happy minding this fab little man :)

    in reply to: Eddie Jack russell terrier – HOMED #102203

    Well this boy is a real little smasher,he really is an adorable little fella :) He has firmly got all 4 paws under the table here-he is eating great and is house trained too ;)
    He was good as gold last night-slept like a baby all night and didnt whine at all ;)
    The people who adopt this little fella are in for a real treat-he is fab :D

    in reply to: Eddie Jack russell terrier – HOMED #102190

    Well i got this little man from Belinda today and i must say that he is an absolute gent :D He was good as gold on the journey up to our house and happily sat on my 10 year old daughters lap,there wasnt a peep out of him ;)
    He is great with my kids and other dogs and just adores hugs and being played with,he is so gentle and really easy going :)
    This little man is an all round great little dog and will make a wonderful addition to any family,here are a few snaps taken today ;)

    in reply to: Eddie Jack russell terrier – HOMED #102168

    Im sure looking forward to meeting this little man tomorrow ;) I just know we are going to get on great together :)

    in reply to: Dooley – 4mt old terrier *HOMED* #101871

    So glad to hear Alfie settled in well-i just knew he would as his new parents are fab-he really did fall on all 4 paws :D
    Sending big hugs your way Alfie and big Hello to your new folks ;)

    in reply to: Eden – Rottweiler – HOMED #101834

    what a big beauty-he is gorgeous :)
    Well done to all who helped this big baby out today-he looks so frightened in his photo :( So glad the poor angel is safe now and hopefully he will be reunited with his owner soon ;)

    in reply to: Dooley – 4mt old terrier *HOMED* #101107

    Well the Delightful Dooley went off happily wagging his tail today :)
    He was in great spirits and i got a big sloppy goodbye kiss as he was going :P :P :P Farewell little friend and always be happy ;)

    in reply to: Dooley – 4mt old terrier *HOMED* #101739

    Well this little fella is due to go to his new folks on Tuesday :D
    We are delighted for this angel as he really is a fab little boy-i just know he is going to be spoiled rotten ;)
    He has been an absolute pleasure-no bother at all and i wish the little fella and his new folks all the happiness in the world :)

    in reply to: Dooley – 4mt old terrier *HOMED* #85815

    Just a little update on this fab boy- He has settled in well here and is getting on great with our little dog and his feline foster sister -So no probs there ;)
    He was so good again during the night and his bed has been dry when we get up-so he is great at holding his peepee until he goes outside ;) He is brilliant with kids and other dogs and enjoys his food and the odd treat-he really is a super little boy :D

    in reply to: Dooley – 4mt old terrier *HOMED* #92846

    Well i really blown away by this little angel :)
    He is settling in well and for a puppy he really is so dosile and easy going-he enjoys just pottering about and lying in his bed ;)
    He had his breakfast and ate nearly all of it so were happy to see his appetite is good ;) And best of all-i thought he would whine a bit during the night but he slept the whole night and didnt wake until 6;45 :D
    Great little fella altogether-glad he is staying with us until he has his Happy Ending :) :)

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