Thats great news.We can honestly say she is the most well behaved dog we have had.Leanne had her 8 year old brothers up alot and she has licked them so much so we felt very comfortable having children around her.
She walks easily on the lead and is very obedient.She will stay if you tell her,sit for treats and sit by your side if you ever stop to talk to talk to someone when out walking.Its so unfortunate that a change in work circumstances has prevented us from adopting her otherwise we would in a heartbeat.
As for other dogs we have walked past alot of big and small dogs and she doesnt really show an interest in them.When shes out walking she just loves it and smells alot so I cant see you having any problems integrating her into your pack.
We have some more photos taken of her that we will pass on to Suzi to post up here.If you meet her you’ll fall in love with her.