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  • in reply to: Leah…3yr old Yorkie X #124379

    OMG! This dog is unbelievable!
    She looks like somebody tried to make an Anime version of our Betsy! :-)

    The second picture, where her face is hidden is an exact copy of her and the first photo is a spitting image of her, just with way larger eyes!

    Too Cute!

    in reply to: Betsy – 4 year old Irish Terrier X *HOMED* #124378

    Hello everybody,
    it´s about time for another update :-)

    Betsy is doing very well, got a very good bill of health from the vet recently and is very happy about the nice weather.

    She meets the two dogs from the last picture regularly now, but you could hardly call it "socializing" :-) They tolerate each other, but Betsy usually keeps her distance and usually stays close to any of the humans present, just to be safe :-)

    However, she was over the moon when we visited them in their place. These two dogs have their own playground and Betsy could not get enough of it :-D They were very good, let her play in their pool and while she was jumping all over their playground, they played with a plastic bottle on the other side of the room :-)
    playground 1.JPG
    playground 2.JPG

    in reply to: Betsy – 4 year old Irish Terrier X *HOMED* #121350

    Betsy is sending her greetings to all the friends at DID.

    She had a great summer full of walks, visits and sunbathing in the garden. I think she´ll have a hard time adjusting to the bad winter weather when it comes.

    As for her training, I think she reached her limit. She is now able to pass by many dogs without barking, but some dogs are just "too annoying" to let them simply walk by :-) You could almost see her weighing her options every time. She knows she will get a treat if she doesn´t bark at a dog. But some dogs are just not worth the treat, some dogs simply must be barked at! :)

    I don´t really blame her though. She was attacked by another dog twice this summer – nothing serious, we managed to pull them apart quickly, but that´s like throwing all the training out of the window and start all over again. And the look on her face after that – total guilt-tripping. "See, you told me dogs are OK and now look at me!" :)
    (There´s a fierce fighter behind that cute face though. Seeing her fight, she would probably lead a wolf pack if returned to the wild ;) )

    Here are some new Betsy pics, hope you´ll like them ;)

    Have a nice weekend everyone!

    sleepy snoopy-styles.jpg

    in reply to: Betsy – 4 year old Irish Terrier X *HOMED* #120500

    Betsy is sending her greetings to all her DID friends.

    She´s so happy about the weather and the amount of time she can spend outside now. She also went on her first overnight holidays with us and had a blast! Hiking all day with her was no problem, she´s a ball of energy when there are things to explore!
    squeky cow.jpg

    in reply to: Betsy – 4 year old Irish Terrier X *HOMED* #119613

    Okey dokey ;-)

    It was in Jazzy Paws in Littlepace (Dublin 15).

    It’s quit new and it’s in a small room behind the flower shop (Jazzy Flowers). I’m not sure but I think she’s not there everyday, it seems that she works in different locations some days of the week. But the flower shop is open normally, so if you live in the area, pay them a visit and ask. ;-)

    in reply to: Betsy – 4 year old Irish Terrier X *HOMED* #119987

    Hello everyone, here are some new pictures of Betsy :-)

    As you can see, she loves her bed and sometimes doesn´t want to get up too early in the morning. She also enjoys sunbathing, and, when she´s in the mood, she can even make new friends! :-)

    Re: Groomers – Can I post name and location here? Not sure about the advertising rules on this site.
    Sleepy Boo.JPG


    "€5 you say? OK, here you go!"



    in reply to: Betsy – 4 year old Irish Terrier X *HOMED* #119122

    Quick update.

    In last few days, Betsy allowed two different dogs to sniff her and she sniffed them back. I couldn´t believe it, such a progress. She got many tasty treats afterwards :-) The first one was a Yorkie wondering in a park without his owner – he really wanted to follow Betsy and play with her, but she wasn´t interested :) The second one was a huge, beautiful "bear-like" dog, looked a bit like the dog called Panda on this website. He was off the leash, but with his owner. I would really like to get into Betsy´s head and find out, why these dogs were "ok" and the others are not :D

    She also went to the Groomers yesterday and was fantastic. The lady was very nice and understanding, made sure there are no other dogs to distract her and gave us a discount when she heard that Betsy is a rescue dog. We were really happy to find such a good dog grooming service so close to our house.

    I have two pictures for you – first one is a "Before and After" shot and the second one.. well ,that´s at the Groomers after the trim, Betsy is picking out her reward/toy for being a good girl. ;)
    Betsy before-after.jpg

    in reply to: Re: Coby – Terrier x – ref 514 – 8yrs *HOMED* #118911

    He’s soo adorable! Exact copy of Betsy, but with long hair!

    in reply to: Betsy – 4 year old Irish Terrier X *HOMED* #118903

    FYI – this is how Betsy likes to sleep now… Head on a pillow, covered with blanket. I wonder if she knows she’s a dog, not human :-)

    in reply to: Betsy – 4 year old Irish Terrier X *HOMED* #118877

    Thanks so much for the beautiful post Justine! We had a great time and really hope we´ll see you again soon. Betsy was so excited and so were we :)

    I think she was a bit confused when you left, kinda trying to figure out if she´s still staying with us or if she´s supposed to go somewhere else. But a new toy and long walk finally reassured her that this is her home now and that you are the nice people that came for a visit :)

    We should definitively do it again soon!

    Jana, Mark and Betsy

    in reply to: Betsy – 4 year old Irish Terrier X *HOMED* #118800

    Hello everybody, thank you again for your nice comments!

    It´s about time for another update and believe me, choosing just 3 pictures for the post was incredibly hard! :-)

    Betsy had great Christmas, with many gifts and attention. She enjoys visits so much! (Both welcoming our visitors and going somewhere for a visit). She is over the moon every time she can go some place new and crazy happy when she can go by car :-).

    This time I will write about some little progresses we´ve made:

    Bathing – we weren´t sure if she likes or hates bathing, so we didn´t really know what to expect. We only new that she hates drying with towels. Well, we found out that bathing is not a problem at all. She is so well behaved in the bathtub! She loves water and the little discomfort of applying shampoo is well compensated for with regular treat delivery.
    We also found out, that, if really wet, towels and blankets are not such a big problem :-) Mark also had a brilliant idea that works great – if your dog doesn´t like towels, dry him with a cleaning cotton glove. That way the dog might think you are just petting him with some soft thing on your hand, not a towel :-)
    She also enjoys brushing and regards it as just another form of scratching.

    Blankets – I´m not sure if this is new for her, but it´s incredibly cute. After her first bath, she got used to being covered with blanket when sleeping. Sometimes she would sit on a sofa, you pick up a blankie and she immediately lies down, waiting for you to cover her. And then, once done sleeping, she doesn´t leave the blanket on the sofa, but keeps it on, walking around with the blanket like a model presenting a dress! :D

    Garden – she is still crazy about going to the garden and digging tunnels to get to the neighbour´s dog. She sometimes comes back on her own, if she gets bored or if she thinks something more exciting is going on inside, but that´s not really a progress. If she decides to dig a tunnel, she will stay there as long as she wants and no treats will change her mind :-) However, we found out that she always returns eventually, 10-15 minutes of digging is usually enough :-)

    Walking outside – Betsy is well known in the neighbourhood by now as she probably gets more walks than any other dog around ;) We are also changing the routes regularly, visiting new estates and parks often. Almost everyday we pass by a creche and light up the children´s faces as she stands there and looking inside at them. :)
    She´s getting better at waiting at zebra crossings and walking on the "right side of a tree" and usually responds to basic commands. However, even though she understands and can do all that, she needs to be in a mood for it :) She can be an absolute well-behaved sweetheart 3 walks in a row, but when there is an interesting scent trail, she transforms into a fearless hunter and only the leash can stop her. :)

    Other dogs – She´s getting better in tolerating other dogs and understands the simple math: "dog = treat". Dogs in the distance or on the leash are usually not a problem. However, when a dog surprises us by running towards us from behind a corner, she´s the biggest fighter ever. (I think she traumatised one little yorkshire puppy for life.) Luckily, we mostly avoid any conflicts as most of the other dog owners are very understanding and either have their dogs on the leash as well or call them when they see that Betsy is not a friendly dog. So the only problem are the "free range" dogs that are let off by irresponsible dog owners with no supervision. There are several dogs like that in the neighbourhood – people just let them go on a street to "walk themselves". :x (Can´t understand that at all :( ) By now we usually know where they are though, so conflicts are very rare. (It also helps that Betsy is so small that I can pick her up if the danger of fight is unavoidable.)

    All in all, she´s getting better in everything and there are no major behavioural problems. She brings so much joy to our lives with her enthusiasm and everybody she´s met loves her to bits. During Christmas time we were walking around the neighbourhood with a little Santa hat on her collar and got so many "aaaawwwws" from everyone :D. One kid said to his parents: "Aaawww, look, that´s a Santa Puppy!" :D

    We wish you all lots of love, health and happiness in the new year!

    Jana, Mark and Betsy
    muddy dog.JPG
    santa puppy.JPG

    in reply to: Mosha – 8mt old Husky x Collie*HOMED* #118476

    She´s adorable, absolute teddy bear! So happy for you all!

    in reply to: Betsy – 4 year old Irish Terrier X *HOMED* #118475

    Thanks very much Pat! Merry Christmas to you, Harry and Siog as well!

    in reply to: Betsy – 4 year old Irish Terrier X *HOMED* #118461

    One more picture – too adorable not to include ;)

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