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MemberHi everyone, Kathy is just after ringing me, Effie was picked up yesterday by a very nice man and she’s getting picked up tonight and dropped back to us. Heart attack over, thank god!!
MemberHi all, well Effie went back in for a check-up and it’s all good news, brought her out for a bit of a walk today and she’s pooped now sleeping on the couch after a nice feed!
MemberWell little Effie is getting back to form. She had a bit more of her usual zip about her today, although she was still pretty sleepy. By this evening though she was doing a few of her trademark aerial spins, so it’s all good!
She’s not loving the cone head but stitches are all healing well and she’s definitely got her apetite back. Loves food as much as gizmo!!!
MemberUpdate on Effie: she went in to be neutered today at the vets, all went well and she’s back home now. Bit of a stoner vibe about her after the anaesthetic but otherwise in good form. She was weighed and is officially a whopping 2.35kg!!! What a fatty!!
And on other news, we have finally relented and her place is now solidly secured sleeping on the end of the bed…you can only hold out so long, toooo cute!!
MemberHi all,
Yeah Jeannie, she loves a good run around, she’s really nippy, Gizmo is finding her tricky to catch!She loves company and is becoming a real lapdog, even to rival Gizmo!!
She’s heading into the vet on Weds to be neutered so she’ll be in the whole day. Am sure she’ll get on great, they’re very good. She sneaked into the bedroom last night, was very funny, didn’t see her wrapped up on an old jumper ’til after I came back from cleaning my teeth this morning! Doggies are banned from upstairs…(usually, suppose this is an exception…!) Was so funny seeing her wrapped up and all relaxed after a good night’s sleep!!! So, if you like company, this is definitely the dog!
MemberEffie is getting on great. Brought her out for a good run around the park yesterday, she was all tired out and slept the whole evening on the couch with Gizmo! They had done enough chasing and playing for the day and were tired out
(attached a link of the playsometwosome!!) … 0Gizmo.JPGSiveG
MemberHi all,
Have attached a photo montage of the wonderful Effie…SiveG
MemberHi all,yeah Indianna,she’s a cool little dog. She’s really funny and great craic, loves play. She’s shown gizmo who the boss so they’re having great craic with each other. She doesn’t quite know her name so we’re trying to get her used to it. Good on the lead and stays with you if she’s let off. Will try sort out camera for more photos! She’d make a great little pet, super fun and great spirit to her.
MemberHey everyone, well little Effie came over last night to stay with us ’til she gets sorted. She’s a little dote, sooo small!!! Absolutely perfect ‘handbag’ dog I could definitely imagine her with a sharp haircut and some blingin’ collar!
She’s great, house trained already so no problems there. I think she’s very smart too. She learned to sit and wait for her food in 20 mins (took us about 3 weeks with Gizmo…pugs…!!
). She’s also a great little guard dog, really alert if there’s someone outside but settles down once you tell her it’s grand. Will put up some pics asap.
MemberHi all! Little Belle is getting on really well. She had her stitches out on saturday and the wound has healed really nicely, no problems there. She had her final vacc yesterday so is in great health and form! Getting on well with the other two here with me. We’re due a visit today from a propspective new owner so will see how she goes. Think she’s definitely glad to get rid of the buster collar!!
MemberHi all!
Yeah, it’s funny how well she’s adapted. To be honest, initially I thought I’d have to keep them all separate but with a bit of persistance she’s come right around. And well, our pug, gizmo, annoys most dogs (he likes to play, a lot, which involves a lot of paws in the face for other dogs…), so it’s definitely a good benchmark that they’re getting on!
Have a pic here of the three sleeping beauties in their cosy den!
MemberHi all!
Having trouble uploading photos, think my internet connection is too slow!!So, have uploaded them to dropbox account so you can all catch a glimpse of Bell! … %20101.jpgSiveG
MemberBelle is recovering well after her op. Went in for a check-up and all was well, stitches due out on Saturday! She had a lovely bath today, got a bit stinky out in a walk, so all three dogs were ‘refreshed’ and smelling beauuutiful!
Bit of a brush down and they were all set, smart as you like!
Think she could be in a multi-dog house, she would just need a bit of time at first. After some initial hassle with our dog, she’s calmed right down and is happy chillin out with them and playing around with the squeaky toys especially!!
MemberYup yup! ‘Swell’ Belle went in yesterday for the op. She was a bit zonked afterwards but is back in action today. Tasty bit of sausage seemed to perk her up no end!! Ah, the simplicity of dogs’ needs!!
She’s gettin on no problem at all with Gizmo now, my brother dropped his dog over for a few days, he’s a big british bulldog, Sidney, and she’s gettin on great with him too. He is massive though, but a total softie.She’s chewin away on a rawhide bone beside me now, so all in all, happy out!
MemberHi, she’s about year 1 old according to the details I have from her vacc. card. She’s pretty energetic so certainly not an old maid quite yet!