Forum Replies Created
February 17, 2011 at 4:43 pm in reply to: Jake – 9 week old – Pointer x Border Collie *HOMED* #82380
MemberJust a few pictures of this little man in his favourite place.
February 16, 2011 at 5:00 pm in reply to: Jake – 9 week old – Pointer x Border Collie *HOMED* #82323siobhan
MemberThis little guy is coming on really well. His anxiety issues seem to be resolved. He no longer minds being left on his own in a room and he goes to bed at night without a peep and sleeps through till morning. The toilet training is going well too. He knows that he has to go each time I take him out to the garden and will sometimes let me know that he needs to go out. He loves his food and his treats. Is really gentle taking food from the hand. Loves to play, especially with the boys. His favourite place is lying on his mat in front of the fire in the evenings. It is near impossible to shift him at bedtime. He just ignores me when I call him and lies there with his eyes closed. He is just too comfy. Will post more pictures later today. If you would like to adopt Jake please submit an adoption application, have a home visit done and come and meet him.
January 21, 2011 at 4:14 pm in reply to: Jake – 9 week old – Pointer x Border Collie *HOMED* #104041siobhan
MemberJake has been with us for nearly 3 weeks now and has settled in really well. Had a bit of a rocky start though. He seemed to suffer from seperation anxiety and cried and howled for a couple of hours when I put him to bed the first night. He would also cry if we left the room even though my own dog was with him. Jake came from a large litter and I think it was hard for him to adjust to just being with one dog. Anyway after many sleepless nights and a lot of patience, love and affection Jake is a completely changed puppy. He goes to bed now with just a whimper for a few seconds and not a peep till morning. He is making good progress with the toilet training and will actually cry to be let out. He still has the odd accident but half the time it is my fault for not noticing the signs. He adores my two boys and has them licked to bits. Gets on great with my dog Luna and is amazing with Daisy our cat. The boys have taught him to sit before he gets a treat and teaching him lie down is a work in progress. He loves is food and will sit and wait until I hand his bowl down to him. I make a point of feeding my dog and cat first to teach him that he has to wait for his bowl and not to eat their food. He learned this really quickly. He has no food agression at all and we can put our hands into his bowl or take it away from him while he is eating and no problems. His favourite place is stretched out in front of the fire. There is usually a rush in to the sitting room to get the best spot at the fire. The cat usually has this spot but ends up moving when the other two mooch their way in. It is quite comical to watch. His favourite plaything is not a toy but shoes and in particular my slippers. He is a really happy chappy with a soft and gentle personality. However I think he would be best suited to a home with with someone who is at home most of the day. Given his breed he will be a very active dog and will need plenty of excercise. He was vaccinated and microchipped earlier this week and there was not a peep out of him. He was being cuddled by my son at the time and was enjoying snuggling so much that he didn’t even flinch. He is a wonderful little man and will be a great addition to any family.
MemberThis little man has just headed off to his new home. We will miss him a lot but he has a wonderful new family and is going to have a very happy life with them.
MemberThis little man had a lovely family come to meet him last Saturday. They fell in love with him and vice versa. He will be heading off to his new (forever) home next Monday and I know that he is going to be adored. And rightly so. He is coming on great with the toilet training. He is also very good at sitting when told and is very gentle taking food from the hand. He is teething hard at the moment and is chewing everything is sight. Is still stealing socks from the washing basket and uses them to play tug-o-war with Luna. The cat has him tormented. She swats at him with her paw and then runs away and either gets in somewhere that he is too big to follow or she jumps up onto the piano and looks at him as much to say "come on try and get me now". It is comical to watch. Can’t find the lead for the camera to put up some more pictures. Will post them as soon as I find it.
MemberFred has been with us for two days and has really settled in. He is a very clever little puppy and will now sit on command. He is also doing really well with the toilet training. He now knows that he has to go every time I take him out to the garden. And his crate is dry in the mornings. He loves his food and he loves to play. But most of all he loves to snuggle up on the couch in the evenings. He is fascinated with the television. He will sit in front of it and watch it for ages. He is also mad about socks. Clean ones, dirty ones, pink ones he doesn’t care. I gave him a bath today and he seemed to enjoy it especially getting rubbed with the towel. He even tolerated the hairdryer. He sat on my bed for this bit. A first in this house might I add. Will post some new pictures tomorrow.
MemberSome more photos of this handsome chap.
MemberI am in love with this little man. He is so placid. He is learning to sit and is now taking food from my hand. Was a little unsure at first. He didn’t know what he was supposed to do. He just sat there looking at me. Has it sorted now though. He is not toilet trained but we will work hard at it over the next few days. He is a really clever guy and catches on pretty quick. He is having a ball playing with Luna and the boys. He also had the pleasure of meeting out cat Daisy. No problem at all. They both had a good sniff and he followed her around for a while then went to play with his ball. No issues with his food. Lets me take up his bowl and put my hand in while he is eating. Didn’t bat an eyelid when Daisy tried to stick her head in and eat some. He is very playful but then likes to lie on the floor and relax. He is just the perfect little puppy. So don’t delay. Get your adoption application sent in, have a home visit done and come and meet this special young man.
MemberThis guy arrived about an hour ago. He is really lovely. He has had some lunch, played in the garden with the boys and is now in his crate having a nap. He appears to have a very gentle way about him. Will take some photos and post them up later. A big thank you to Marianne who found him and his brother on the motorway, took them home and cared for them for the past two days.
MemberAny updates on this little girl ?. I can’t believe she hasn’t been snapped up. She is a beautiful little dog.
MemberI got a text from this little guys new family last night. He seems to be settling in very well. Spent the afternoon yesterday playing in the garden with their cats had his dinner and then crashed out on the couch. The whole family love him so much. New name not decided yet. Hopefully they will post some pictures and an update in a week or so.
MemberThanks for your lovely comments girls. My son was really chuffed. Anyway my little guy has been busy since my last update. Has really come out of his shell. He met a lovely family who fell in love with him and he with them. He got his microchip and first vaccination on Tuesday and his new family came and collected him at lunch time today. He went off a very happy little man. So different to the scared little mite I collected three weeks ago. His new family have promised updates. We will all miss this little guy. He is just so loveable and affectionate. We wish him a long and happy life in his forever home.
MemberMore photos of this handsome chap.
MemberThis little man has been with for two weeks and it feels like he has always lived here. He is really settled in and is not as shy and nervous as he had been during the first few days. He has really come out of his shell. He loves his food and his treats and will sit when asked. He even sits when I don’t ask especially when he sees me with the packet of biscuits. And of course he gets one. I can’t resist those big brown eyes. He is a really active little man. Loves to play tug of war with my dog. They don’t use any of the ropes they have, but prefer to drag one of their blankets out to the garden and use that. It now resembles a fishing net. They are happy so what the heck. The toilet training is going really well. He has a dry crate every morning and will go as soon as he goes out to the garden. He has had the odd accident but that was my fault cause I didn’t take him out on time. Gets into his crate himself at about 9.30 each evening unless there is something good on TV (then we fall asleep together on the couch). He adores my two boys and is really gentle with them. Licks them to bits and the more they laugh the more he licks. He gets on fine with the cat but she teases him. She will walk past him again and again to get a reaction. He eventually takes the bait and gives chase. I have fallen in love with this guy. He is so affectionate and loves his cuddles and rubs. I gave him a bath on Saturday and cleaned his ears and his teeth. He spent the rest of the afternoon sniffing himself. The cat was quite taken with his new scent too. He did smell fantastic. ( Must get some more of that shampoo from Kathy and use it myself ).
Like my Luna his favourite place is lying by my feet when I am cooking in the hope that a crumb or two falls his way ( which of course I make sure they do). This little man will make a fantastic addition to any family.DSCF1163.JPG
MemberLittle Czar had a good night. He lay on my lap as I watched TV and was very contented. I slept downstairs with him last night as it was his first night and because he seemed to get very upset when we left the room. He slept on a bed on the floor and not a peep. He had the pleasure of meeting the cat at 5.30 this morning and after they both had a good sniff he went back to lie down. No accidents during the night. Went out to the back garden to do his business. Will post more later.