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MemberLittle Rose continues to thrive. She hasn’t really grown much in the last few weeks. Is still quite small. She has been spending her days basking in the sun and tearing round the garden with Simba. They both retire to the shade of the parasol for a little snooze and then start all over again. She is so tired every evening that she gets into bed herself at about 10.30. I have to lift her out to go outside and do her business before I go to bed. She is not impressed with this at all.
She has learned to sit before she gets her food and for treats and we are working on teaching her to give the paw.
She will be a wonderful addition to any family.siobhan
MemberMy little Rose is almost 16 weeks old now. She has been as good as gold since her sister Lily was adopted. A bit on the quiet side for a day or two but then back to her old self again. She is a very contented puppy and not at all demanding. Quite happy to potter around and play with her toys. She loves running in and out of the shrubs in the garden and will run and hide when you call her to come in. She loves her food and her treats – especially chicken.
Sle is a great little sleeper too. Goes to bed at about 11ish and not a peep till I come down in the morning to let her out to do her business. The toilet training is going really well. Very rarely will she have an accident in the house. She actually barks to let you know that she needs to go out.
She is still quite small. Can’t see her being very big when she is fully grown. Medium size at the most. She will make a great addition to any family – with or without another dog. She is also great with my two cats and has taken to sharing a bed with my youngest cat.DSCF9060.JPG
MemberI forgot to mention that Rose and Lilly are great with other dogs and children. Love to be picked up and cuddled. At the moment they are downstairs tearing round with my two dogs waiting for their lunch. They are approx 9 weeks old now and are most likely a Terrier x. Still tiny though. Will post up some up to date pictures later.
MemberThese little girls have been with us for just over two weeks now. Their names are Rose (tan puppy) and Lilly (black puppy). They are just about 8 weeks old now and are adorable. They are the easiest fosters that we have ever had. They just love to eat, play, sleep and snuggle. Love their cuddles on the sofa at night. I weighed them last week and Rose was 3.1kg and Lilly was 2.9kg. Really tiny. It is hard to tell how big they will grow but I’d say medium size at most.
Rose has a more outgoing personality than Lilly. First up to everything to have a look and first to finish her food. Lilly takes things nice and easy but is getting less timid as the days go by. I put them to bed each night at about 11.30 pm and there is not a peep out of them till I come down in the morning at 6.30am. Then it’s straight outside to do their business. The toilet training is going really well. They know that they have to go each time I take them outside. No bother with my two cats. But then the cats are bigger than they are !!!.
They are patiently waiting for their forever homes and will be a wonderful addition to any family. So if you are interested in adopting them please go to forms and downloads and complete and adoption application form.siobhan
MemberWell Belles foster family came home from holidays and collected her on Monday evening. The house is very lonely without her. My youngest dog is missing her a lot. She really is a fantastic little girl. Very obedient. Will not touch her food until I tell her to and is very gentle taking treats from the hand. Lets you know when she needs to go out to do her business and really lets you know when she wants to come in – just in case you forget about her. Can safely say she is fully house trained. Not one accident night or day. Lovely temperament. Brilliant with people and especially children. No problem with the two cats either. LOVES to lie in front of the fire in the evening. I had a hard job shifting her so I could put on more wood. She will make a wonderful addition to any family. We miss her a lot.
MemberJust a little insight into feeding time in our house. Of course there is Turkey on the menu as dessert. Belle is quite the lady and just sits and waits her turn. A quick trip outside to do the buiness and then the rush to the living room to get "Pole Position" on the duvet in front of the fire. And just like me they will be asleep 10 minutes into the movie !!!!!. Happy days.
MemberPrincess Belle has been with us a week now. Her foster family are away for the Christmas. Might find it hard to hand her back when they return.(Sorry guys). She is a little gem. Not an ounce of bother. Eats well, sleeps all night and not a peep. Lets you know when she needs to go outside. Has had no accidents in the house at all. Is great with my two dogs and gets on fantastic with the two cats. She loves people and even if you have only been out of the room for a few minutes when you come back in she greets you like she has not seen you in hours. I have never had a foster dog that was as easy as Belle. She settled into this madhouse as if she always lived here. She will make the perfect family pet as she is very undemanding. A good walk, a good feed, plenty of hugs and a rug in front of the fire and she is happy.
MemberPrincess Timara continues to thrive. Her toilet training is going very well. Has the odd accident but she is still quite young. Is learning to sit and wait patiently for her food. She well understands the word no. She is such an outgoing and playful little girl but likes nothing more than to snuggle up on your lap in the evenings. She was vaccinated and microchipped on Monday and not a peep out of her. She is enjoying having Turbo for company. My two are quite happy to sit and watch the two of them play and play.
MemberSome more photos
MemberTurbo is in foster with us since Saturday. We are really enjoying having him here with us. So is his sister Timara. He is a really laid back guy. Is learning to sit and already understands the word no. He is doing well at the toilet training too. Like nothing more than being cuddled up on your lap in the evenings. There is usually a row over who gets to cuddle him first. He was vaccinated and microchipped on Monday and he took it all in his stride.
MemberThis little girl is in foster with me since Saturday. Was very shy and timid for the first day or so. Not any more. She is well able to stand her ground and get the toy if she wants it. It is comical to see the tug of war beteen herself and Simba, who is her best friend. She is a very gentle and calm puppy who loves her food and especially her cuddles. Is quite happy to lie in your arms for hours. Great little sleeper too. Goes to bed about 11pm and not a peep till about 8 in the morning. Dry bed every morning too. Toilet training is going well. Timara loves playing in the garden and herself and Simba race around in and out of the shrubs. Adores children and even gets on with my cat. An all round little girl who would be a great addition to any family.
If you are interested in adopting Timara please go to forms and downloads and complete an adoption application form.DSCF2427.JPG
MemberWhat great news. I had the pleasure of meeting Baylee on Thursday. She is a gorgeous pup. Really playful and full of life.
Looking forward to the photos and updates.siobhan
MemberI collected this little girl this morning to bring her to her new family. She has been adopted along with Foxy. She is a beautiful dog. A real gentle lady. No problems settling in and both dogs have the pleasure of having 6 feline siblings. Happy days ahead for all. Looking forward to the updates and photos.
MemberWell the big day finally arrived for this fantastic little man. I left him to his new family this morning and believe me it was worth the wait he had. His new mum had told me that she was new to the DID website but as soon as soon as she saw the photos of Foxy she knew that he was the dog for her. (I know that feeling only too well). They also adopted Tilly and we collected her on the way over this morning. Both dogs get along great and seemed to settle in and make themselves at home right away. They will not be lost for company as they have 6 (yes 6) feline siblings. I wish Brenda and her family a long and happy life together with these two fantastic dogs. Looking forward to the updates and photos.
MemberFantastic news for Foxy. He is with me since Monday as his foster mum is on holidays. I did the Home Visit for him and I have to say he is going to a lovely home where he will be adored. Foxy is a brilliant little man who gets on great with everyone – dogs, cats, adults and children. Even though he has only been here for a few days we will miss him when he goes to his forever home.