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  • in reply to: Lucy 10 mth Lab x terrier pup #90088

    Hi Sweetchild3,

    Lucy has met our next door neighbours 15 month old son and was great with him and as Suzi said she grew up with children.
    My nieces haven’t met her yet and no doubt they would be in love! :)

    She is just an absolute Lady, she is still only a pup but can be very matured for her age and just adores cuddles. :)
    She has a way of looking at you that would melt your heart!

    in reply to: ANGEL 14 WK OLD COLLIE X *reserved* #90026

    Collected this little Angel on Friday morning after she spent a very lonely night in the pound! :(

    It didn’t knock her spirits and I was greeted with lots of tail wags and kisses. She has completely made herself at home and is well able to fend for herself with the older, bigger pups, the Lovely Lucy and Bruce!
    Her coloring is wonderful, mostly black with white and fawn around her face and 4 fawn socks. She has long legs and big paws so I’m sure she will grow into a big girlie!
    She has a huge bark for such a tiny thing!

    Angel has developed an addiction to raw hide chew sticks and keeps robbing them on Bruce and Lucy, she carriers them around with her until she decides where to chill out & chew! :)

    She sleeps in her crate at night and there is not a peep out of her until morning. This little girl is not house trained yet but Im sure she will pick it up quickly and she knows how to sit already.

    in reply to: Lucy 10 mth Lab x terrier pup #89903

    Well Lucy has been with us since last Thursday and is getting on great. She was a bit unsure at first but has completely settled in now & is full of play!

    She loves nothing better than a cuddle and is full of kisses for everyone.

    Lucy is completely house trained, has not had an accident and loves being out and about on her walks.

    She is a great little watch dog and has a big bark for a little lady! :) Only gives a little bark as a warning and if somebody enters the house she goes to inspect and welcomes them with a wag of her tail. :)

    Lucy is a total little dote and great with other dogs and children.

    A wonderful little lady, who would fit straight into any household :)

    in reply to: Lucy 10 mth Lab x terrier pup #89753

    Tried to get a few pics of the Lovely Lucy after her bath. She has settled right in! Completely house trained and ate her dinner nice & calmly with our dog Bruce. She is getting on great with him so far, a few wrestling matches and a game of ball and they are on there way to becoming best friends! :) She did a beautiful pirouette when the squeaky toys came out! :) Full of kisses and tail wags! A total little Lady! :)

    in reply to: Lucy 10 mth Lab x terrier pup #89728

    Hi all, Just wanted to start a blog for Lucy the 10 month old lab x terrier.

    We collected the little darling this morning and she shook the whole way back in the car. She was surrendered into the pound yesterday by her elderly owner who could no longer care for her. Both he and his wife were ill and had no family member to help care for her. I’m sure they were heartbroken as she has been well cared for!

    She is already had vacs, chipped & is neutered.

    She is quickly coming out of her shell and has already claimed her bed and is testing it out as I type, fast asleep.

    She is house- trained and is very clean and calm inside the house.

    Will update again later with pics to follow.

    in reply to: Bruce – Samoyed *HOMED * #88360

    Just wanted to write a little update on Bruce! He is doing great and getting bigger by the day! :) Still absolutely loves the water and jumps into it every chance he gets! He is such a sweetheart and we are absolutely delighted that he is here with us! Thanks to all at DID! He has already been on a few holidays in our Camper Van and loves going on adventures with us. Every time the van door open he jumps up into it and positions himself by the window, ready to watch the world go by! :) Thanks again guys and thanks for a great day on Sunday!


    in reply to: Bruce – Samoyed *HOMED * #86323

    Like Twist mentioned, he is great on the lead and loves everyone! Thanks again guys for a job well done!

    He didn’t really like getting into the car at first but now happily jumps in as he knows he’s off somewhere fun! :) We had him off the lead a few times and his recall is very good. He is really easy to have around the house and doesn’t mind getting into his crate and is going all night without a peep. He is pretty much house trained at this stage and has never chewed the furniture! (*phew!)

    Regards barking he doesn’t do it excessivly but he is a vocal dog. He wines (very softly) out of happiness when you cuddle and hug him and when he is playing, it’s very cute. When he does bark, it’s still a puppy bark, just a little yap!

    This is my first experience of a Samoyed so I’m not sure of their sutiablility for a 5 year old but my 4 year old niece absolutely adores Bruce and she has walked him on the lead several times and he never pulls her! He is a very gentle dog around adults and children & other dogs so if that is anything to go by I’d say he would fit right in to any household!

    He absolutely LOVES the water, any kind in fact, even the water in his bowl, he will often put his paws in his bowl to cool down and loves the sea! :) He is not afraid of anything and is very patient and gentle even when the hairdryer is on him and sometimes licks the air! :) If he does something bold you almost only have to look at him and he understands! He can already sit, give the paw and lie down and he is a very intelligent dog!

    Bruce is a total little angel!

    Pics to follow

    in reply to: Bruce – Samoyed *HOMED * #86121

    As I said earlier, Bruce loves the water! :) The puppies decided to run amuck today and this is how Bruce ended up! :)
    Even in this state he is still gorgeous!!!

    In camouflage.

    So tired after such a great play.

    But, Im so cute!

    The three muskateers!

    And now for our next trick….

    After my bath….

    in reply to: Bruce – Samoyed *HOMED * #84984

    We collected Bruce from the lovely ladies in Dunboyne on Saturday evening. He looked gorgeous walking out of the ‘Wagging Tail’ beauty parlour – a little white ball of fluff! He is a gorgeous dog, he’s very friendly and gentle and loves cuddles and kisses! He’s still very puppyish! He is not doing great on the toilet training and doesn’t like being in his crate at night but that can be worked on-he still just settling in. He doesn’t pull on the lead and is a very gentle little boy.
    A total dote!
    We had him at a family BBQ yesterday and he got on with everybody (young children and dogs included) . They all fell in love with him! :) It would be hard not too!

    Bruce had so much fun playing in the garden and running around, he even jumped into the pond when I wasn’t looking! (he really likes the water- he was in it again today!! ) :) But he still looks great after his grooming! :)

    I took a load of pics yesterday but there was something up with the memory card and none of them came out!! I will try upload some later today!

    in reply to: Max – JRT x #85952

    Walked Max today and he loved being out an about. He seemed very sociable and got on great with the other JRT we had out. Max is a lovely little guy and would make a great pet!

    in reply to: Izzie – terrier x * reserved * #85592

    Aww…..she is just adorable!


    Sorry for the well over due update on these adorable puppies!

    Jack & Jilly have been with us since Monday evening and they are getting on great! They are brother and sister and adore each other! They follow each other everywhere and because they are the same height it’s even more adorable watching them walk side by side!

    Everything about them is cute!

    The first night we had them Jack started to whimper when we said goodnight, we sat beside them and tried to reassure him and put on a french linguaphone cd to settle him with the voices! It worked a treat and there has been no need for it since as they just hop in to bed after they use the garden.

    Jilly is the boss, she has more independence than Jack and is more adventurios, but Jack has no problem standing up to her!
    They wrestle in the garden all day long and play with their toys and when they are finished, curl up beside each other for a power snooze and then its play time again! :)

    They sleep, play, eat and poop!

    Regards house-training, they are doing great. They have had a few accidents but sure, who doesn’t?! :) They are becoming better at it every day that passes and with their adorable faces looking up at you, you forgive them very quickly!

    As puppies go they are very well behaved and are an absolute pleasure to foster.

    Jack & Jilly:

    Jack has the tiny bit of white on his chin.

    2 babies curled up for a snooze after a long play in the garden

    Will upload better pics soon!

    in reply to: Sunny – Golden Labrador pup #85099

    As her name suggests she has a sunny disposition! She is very lively-like any puppy- and loves to get all your attention! :)
    Initially she was jumping up on everyone and everything and had no manners, but as she is settling into her surroundings she is calming down!
    She sits when told. She is a little confused about the house training and has gone for a few wees right at the back door! Every time literally just after coming in from a walk or playing in the garden!

    She doesn’t bark at night, doesn’t chew furniture or scratch at anything and is delighted to see us in the morning.

    We had her on the beach yesterday and today for a nice long walk and she seems grand on the lead. Doesn’t really pull, but walks ahead of you, beside you and under you, and initially kept checking that we were there beside her!
    Very puppy like-nothing a bit of handling couldn’t sort out. We let her off the lead yesterday for a few minutes and came straight back to us when we called..(I was a bit apprehensive letting her off- I wasn’t in the mood for running madly down the beach-but she saved me the jog). Today we were the only people on the beach and let her off again- this time she ignored us when we called at first but eventually came running with her tail wagging like mad!

    I took her for a walk to the local park and had to walk through part of the village. She tried to jump up on every person that walked by- she was very excited- but they just smiled at her. How could they not?
    Her tail nearly fell off when she realized she was back home and in familiar surroundings and she bounded in the door.

    All day yesterday she followed us everywhere we went, in and out of every room like a shadow and has begun to get her independence in the house. She will allow you to leave the room without inspection, but with investigate if your gone for any lenghty period. As I watch her right now, she is chilling out and is as content as anything.

    All in all she is a happy young lady and is delighted to free!

    Will post up pics ( when i work out how) and more info as the days go by- but for now, she is a pleasure to foster!

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