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  • in reply to: RIP Jaws 2002-2013 #114682

    I’m so sorry for your loss, the pictures are so so
    lovely. We lost our Dixie last year , she will
    Be a year gone in may and like you didn’t know
    If I could get another dog felt like I was replacing her. We
    Do have another dog at home Polly so I decided
    To do something in Dixies memory and fostered dogs which
    From your other post I see you we’re thinking
    Of doing. Fostering is a great way of bringing
    Another dog into the house & it feels great to be
    Helping out. My Dixie is on 2nd page of in loving
    Memory under Lady . Big hugs to u from all of us xx

    in reply to: Kaylee(formerly Baylee) the Beagle #114343

    So sorry to hear this news , I remember reading
    About her when she was in foster. Sounds like you
    Gave her a fab home. I know how u feel as I lost
    My Dixie nearly a year ago she was 3 years old so I
    Do feel for you at this time xxxxx

    in reply to: Polly – Ref 95 Collie x 4 months old.*HOMED* #114156

    She is a little dote, the image of my polly :)

    in reply to: Cathy Davey on the "Late Late Show" #112286

    Brilliant song on Late late …..It could have been written about my dog Polly :)

    in reply to: Ozzy – 5yr old Springer Spaniel*HOMED* #111760

    So happy he has found his home as he is such a lovely
    Dog and looks very at home .. Tail still wagging like mad :lol:

    in reply to: Oscar – 5yr old Springer*HOMED* #110805

    Oscar is off to his lovely forever home in the morning , I know he will love it with his lovely new family . I will miss him and his snoring :)

    in reply to: Oscar – 5yr old Springer*HOMED* #110696

    My own spoiled brat does the same :lol:

    in reply to: Oscar – 5yr old Springer*HOMED* #110645

    Oscar is still with me and I have to say he has helped me so much to get over the loss of my lovely Dixie . Oscar makes me laugh everyday.
    I was watering the garden with a hose today and Oscar decides he would like a drink from the hose :lol: So then I got a bottle of water and tried him with that and yes he had no problem drinking from the bottle , How handy is that on a long walk !!!!

    in reply to: Oscar – 5yr old Springer*HOMED* #109413

    Oscar is still doing great. He never gets up on the couch not like polly who anytime I look around she is on the couch :shock: . Oscar will come over and sit at your feet and if you tap the couch he will only then get up and sit beside you and be asleep in a second.

    in reply to: Oscar – 5yr old Springer*HOMED* #110177

    Oscar has had a very busy week , we had another visitor to our house , my brothers puppy Lu Lu and it didn’t bother Oscar when she was jumping all over him and biting his ears :lol: . Oscar also loves getting wrapped in a towel to be dried off after a walk in the rain. He would be such a great addition to any family .

    in reply to: Oscar – 5yr old Springer*HOMED* #110337

    Oscar got his hair cut on Sunday and was really good.

    in reply to: Oscar – 5yr old Springer*HOMED* #110266

    Oscar is with us just over a week now and has settled in really well. When you sit on ground beside him to pet him he will turn over for a belly rub. We had a thunder storm the other day and it did’t bother him at all while Polly was hiding under the table . He has got brushed every day for the last few days and really likes it . Got a harness off Marie and has helped a lot with the walking , I am now able to bring the both dogs
    together which is great. Oscar still zig zags a bit on the pavement but I’m sure that won’t last long .

    in reply to: Oscar – 5yr old Springer*HOMED* #110237

    Oscar has met loads of dogs out walking over the last few days and not once did he bark or try get over to any of them , he just walked on .
    He is also getting used of our little routine of drying off paws at the door :) . The only time he barks is if a toy he is playing with goes under chiar or couch and he can’t get it !

    in reply to: Oscar – 5yr old Springer*HOMED* #110200

    Well myself Oscar and Polly had a lovely day today ,We went for a long walk this morning. Oscar is getting better at walking did not pull as much and if he does all it takes is a Oscar come back and he will walk back to you . I brushed him today and he stood still for me so that was good . Yesterday Oscar played with some children on the green and had a great time , when he got tired of fetching the ball he just lay on the green. The post man came this morning which starts Polly barking but there wasn’t a sound out of Oscar.

    in reply to: Oscar – 5yr old Springer*HOMED* #109058

    Oscars full day in our house went very well , he had two walks and loads of play, he does pull a bit when walking but also stops when u call him and walks back to you , A little bit of training and he will be great walking. We let him off the lead to run through the green and he was great , did not go to far and came when called . He sits and stays when asked and also gives the paw . He was not as lively last night after all his activities during the day and we did have to turn the telly up a little as he does snore a bit :lol: . This morning when I came down at 6.30am he didn’t even get out of bed just looked up at me , he is so gentle and good .

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