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MemberJust quick update Kelly doing great she’s a long little stocky girl about 11kg now. She has her 2 big brothers whipped into shape typical terrier she thinks she is the biggest.
MemberJust a little update Bear 2 1/2 now, loves giving Bear kisses and cuddles. His other favourite pastime is licking and cleaning the faces and ears of all the other dogs and cats in the house.
MemberAlmost a year now since we collected Bear he is fully grown now and a good size at around 34kg – he is a happy chappy still loves to be the centre of attention by all the animals and us. He now has a new little DID sister Kelly(lilly) .
MemberBear getting on great. Still some man for the chats and vocals, especially when my son practising his tin whistle.
He really has that collie herding thing going on with us and the animals in the house. He has decided to pay it forward by sharing some of the good start and love he got at the start with the colgans
– see him in pic with our first foster – she is off to new home next week, think we will all be bit heartbroken.
MemberBear as you can see is as we suspected a big boy and probably has a little bit of growing left since he is about 9 months now, but despite his size has settled and calmed down a lot, just as well as his little bro Jim is in full on teething destructive mode at the moment. Between his 2 canine companions, and following the kids and 4 cats every movement he tends to be kept very busy every day.
MemberBear got neutered yesterday but no bother to him back tearing around the place today. So many kittens for rehoming in the vets we ended up bringing home 2 new little buddys – we haven’t decided on any names for them yet as my little girl wanted a female but there was none there at the time, so we need a unisex name for our tabby and white boy who she has decided is a girl.
MemberBear here our family has extended with the arrival of Jim my new bro, he was very tiny when he came first wasn’t sure what to do with him but he has grown so much in 2 weeks we are now having a great time tearing around and playing together and Ophelia has taken on the mammy role. Jim was from an unwanted litter of shepards that owner was going to drown until a neighbour of ours heard and managed to find homes for them all, and knowing we had a soft spot for shepards knew we wouldn’t be hard to convince.
MemberFeels like Bear here forever, he has so settled in so well only after 2 weeks. He weighed in at 19kg today so he is definately going to be a buster.
MemberBear is getting on great he has discovered that if he holds back a bit on the bounding puppy approach the cats will be more amicable towards him. Although one of our cats favourite spot for annoying the dogs has been ruined now due to bear discovering how to climb the ladder.
Bear is a quick learner he was jumping up a lot and nipping at the start but we have shown the kids just to block him and ignore him when he is doing it, as he will be able to knock them over with his size in no time but in only a few days it has almost stopped and he has adjusted on how to play with smaller kids with the help of Ophelia to show him the way.
MemberHi Bear’s new family here. He was a star in the car on way home even though over 2 hours. Sussed out the house garden and cats fairly quickly, cats are still bit unsure of him but not too bothered. He tried sleeping on my son’s bed much to his delight at bed time but mean Mammy has him back in the sitting room now where he is out for the count after his big day.