Hi everyone, short update about Max….it has already been one week since he had his operation (neutered) and he’s recovering very well. His appetite and energy levels are back to normal. He’s not wearing the collar when we are around and the fact is…he doesn’t even try to remove his stitches. collare.jpg collare 2.jpg
Hi everyone, we’ve been fostering Herbie for the last 10 days and he is simply a great little chap.
We have to admit that we were very pleased to find out that Herbie -even being so young- is fully toilet trained. So far in fact, we didn’t get even any incident around the house.
He’s currently living with our dog and they have a lot of fun together and he’s very good with our two small kids (aged 3 and 6). His tail is always ‘on the move’
Stay tuned because more details will follow….