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  • in reply to: Markey- Staffie Terrier X #87566

    Delighted for little Markey and his new owners, may you have many years of happiness with the new addition to your family xx

    in reply to: Fraizer – collie x #86617

    Therapy dogs are dogs who go with their owners into hospitals, nursing homes, etc to spend some time with patients, just basically giving some affection and love. As we all know the affection you get from a dog is out of this world and completely different to that from a human and just being around pets has such a calming, uplifting effect. It has been found to greatly improve the spirits of people who may be in long term-care in hospitals/homes, children with learning disabilities, etc, people who may feel slightly isolated because of their circumstances. The Guide Dogs of Ireland train assistance dogs to work with families of children with autism to encourage the child in his/her social interaction. Dogs doing what they do best, a very worthy cause.

    in reply to: Bruce – Samoyed *HOMED * #86364

    I just saw this post and think the photos are fantastic! Very professional looking with all dogs posing nicely!! They should be used in the next calender. The one of all three dogs together is magical, they just look like they’re having so much fun! :D

    My sister has a two year old samoyed called Sasha and they are such placid dogs and great with kids. I swear the kids in our family practically sit on top of her and she just lies there and takes it, all the while just smiling back :D But yes, barking is very common with her too, it’s gas, she’s as quiet as a mouse in the house, the minute you take her out she barks non stop, I think they just instinctively just try to round the pack up as they’re out walking, slouchers or slowcoaches will not do thank you very much!

    in reply to: Benji – English Setter #86055

    I’ve been following this post on Benji for ages and my heart just sinks every time I look at his poor little face but it’s wonderful seeing and hearing about his progress. The photos really speak volumes. You really are to be commended for all your hard work in bringing this poor little boy back from the brink and introducing him to a life of love and stability, your dedication to his care and treatment is definitely paying off and hopefully this little man will out tearing around on some beach or park without a care in the world once his psychological injuries have healed as well as the physical.

    Has anyone any idea how soon/long it will be before he is ready to be adopted out?

    in reply to: Ruby – Red Setter #83844

    I saw Ruby in Happy Endings so some lucky family has obviously adopted her! I was going to apply to adopt Ruby a while back as I’ve really seriously been thinking about getting a second dog for months now and the Madra Rua is right up there in my top three favourite dogs so imagine my excitement when I first saw this beauty. Unfortunately though I have a cat who is quite a senior gentleman and I saw that Ruby doesn’t like cats so unfortunately for me I had to resist. But I’m delighted to see that the beautiful Ruby has gotten a happy ending, well done DID ;)

    in reply to: Maisy – Collie x #83644

    Beautiful Patches, please let us know how she is settling in with you, Pauline, in her new home. Well done to you and your family for giving her her forever home.

    in reply to: Elvis – Cairn Terrier #83007

    Well, our little man Elvis left us and went to his forever home on Saturday. He has gone to a wonderful home with a wonderful new mummy! :D Best of luck little guy, I know you will have many years of love and happiness in you new home. Don’t forget us cheeky chappie, we’ll miss you xxx :D :D

    As an after thought, I just wanted to comment that Elvis was our first foster and I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed it. I found it an extremely rewarding experience. The only drawback from a personal point of view was my kids’ tears after he had gone. My son Yasin who is ten was so fond of Elvis and he cried his little heart out after he left! :( But I brought them all to see Marley and Me in the cinema yesterday and that seemed to cheer everyone up. (By the way it is a fantastic movie that I really urge all DID supporters to go along and see! It was one of the most uplifting, endearing movies I’ve seen in a long time, and don’t forget to bring the tissues, it’s a bit of tearjerker….)

    Bye Elvis, we love you :D

    in reply to: Bea – Lab x #83658

    Any update on this poor girl’s story, how is it she was found as a stray after being rehomed? The poor thing after thinking she had gone to a safe, warm home only to find herself back in the pound. Shame on all the horrible people who have let her down so far in her life!! :evil:

    in reply to: Elvis – Cairn Terrier #83873

    Ooops, those photos were just slightly enormous, I’ll make them smaller next time now I’ve got the hang of it :mrgreen: However you do see him in all his glory :D

    in reply to: Elvis – Cairn Terrier #83861

    Just an update on this sweet little fellow, he is doing great and is just a delight to have around the house. He is so easy going and laid back, even my cat doesn’t mind! Him and Scoobs are geting on grand, they were tearing around on the beach this morning and Elvis had great fun. He’s off the lead now and he just goes wherever I go, he never runs off and he’s great with all the other dogs out walking, he just goes up, has a sniff and a little conversation and then on he goes.

    I took some photos, my camera was full so could only take two, will try and get more soon.

    in reply to: Elvis – Cairn Terrier #83751

    Elvis came into foster with us on Wednesday night and he’s really a lovely little chap. He’s very, very friendly and just wants loads of cuddles and attention. He gets on brilliantly with my kids so is a real winner in our household! He gets on grand with Scooby, my little yorkie, but poor little Scoobs is feeling a little bit miffed as to why this other fellow is in his house!

    Elvis is great on the lead, I had him down at the beach yesterday and this morning and he’s great, he doesn’t pull or drag and he just walks at a nice pace. He’s only six months old or thereabouts so his house training needs a little attention but if you remember to open the door for him, he will go to the loo outside.

    All in all he’s a great little dog who will make a really lovely family pet for some very lucky family out there. He deserves it and he has so much love to give back ;)

    in reply to: Maisy – Collie x #83588

    I could foster her if she’s still in the pound

    in reply to: Urgent foster needed – Jerry (bernese x collie) #83262

    Any update on this poor guy?

    in reply to: Jasper – Golden Retreiver #82527

    Delighted for you and your family, you must have been sick with worry when he went missing, he is an absolute stunner :D

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