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MemberWillis is doing really well now and has been home with us nine weeks now. He still has toilet training issues and is very nervous out and about, but getting better every single day. He is so incredibly happy and bouncy, like a little jack in the box, and likes nothing better than sniffing around a kitchen or sleeping on laps. He adores heat! there is nothing he likes better than leaning on radiators or fire guards when the fire is roaring hot. You couldn’t leave him with a fire on as it is only a matter of time before he figures out how to move the fireguard and climb into it. He does not like the cold one little bit nor does he like the idea of going for a walk! When he sees the leads coming he runs and hides behind chairs trying to disappear, but once the lead is on he accepts his fate and happily goes to the door. He is still very nervous out in the park but each day brings him out of himself a little more, tiny steps in his life but big progress. He adores Bodie the dog and likes nothing more than to play with him and hero worship him. Poor Bodie now has no beard as Willis has bitten it off from all the playing, but the ten year old man loves his game with the pup and will put up with it. Willis is very very smart, I am not lead training him at the moment as just enjoying a walk and wanting to be out and about is a priority for him at the moment. When his confidence is up more the training will begin. At home he couldn’t be happier, and just like Bodie when he was a pup, he loves sleeping at the end of our bed at night cuddling up against feet!!! He’s like a lovely hot water bottle.
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MemberHi there DID, Willlis is doing brilliant, has really settled down well and had his final shot last Saturday, which means, not long now until he can finally get out and see the world for all his sniffs and drain some of that puppy energy. He’s a little divil at times and has us all in stitches. His favourite place to sit is up on a chair on my sheepskin rug (I think it reminds him of Bear!) though he gets a telling off when he chews it, along with the rest of the furniture. By the way, he loves chilli sauce as we were putting it on the table and chair legs to deter him and he just licked the whole lot off in stages. He would lick it off, sneeze for five minutes, drink water
and then go back and lick more and more, and the whole circle would carry on. Going to try some tabasco next!!! He has amazing tastes! he’s a cheeky little man full of fun. Mr. Bodie his big mentor is exhausted with him but wags his tail even when he is telling him off. Willis just adores him and likes nothing more than to lick around his mouth despite Mr. Bodies protests. He climbed up on top of his body last night for a sleep and lay on top of him. Bodie lasted about ten minutes, couldn’t stand the wriggling and growled and left the couch. Willis was so disappointed but resigned. Keep you posted. All our love. The O’Sullivans.
MemberWillis settling in great here with his new family. He is full of mischief and fun, a typical puppy. Still a work in progress with the toilet training but has some great successes. He has all our hearts turned to mush, though Bodie the big bro dog is still a bit bewildered with the whole event and can’t understand why Willis keeps nipping him
he is a wonderful dog and I want to thank everyone at Dogs in Distress for all their fantastic work. Our new saying in the family is ‘where there’s a Willis, there’s a way’ in relation to all his mischief. Love the O’Sullivans.