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  • in reply to: **Donations Needed To Fund Operation For Pups** #86714

    Ah folks, do not be discouraged. As a foster mum I can hardly express how much I admire what the admin people do everyday in their fight against animal neglect and cruelty. Furthermore, all the people I tell about the organisation have similar levels of respect and admiration for all the people involved. Wherever people take a stand, be it for human rights, equality or animal rescue there will be politics and a wide range of opinions. Keep on truckin and don’t let the naysayers get you down, you all do a wonderful job and I’m proud to be even peripherally associated with DID.

    in reply to: Lucy -Border Collie pup #86585

    Lucy’s much brighter in herself today, lots more energy and interest in everything She’s also scratching a bit less which is good news. She had a great time on her walk this morning, was literally bowled over by a hugely enthusiastic labradoodle :D She’s also taken an interest in our garden foliage and took great pride in picking up leaves and bringing them into the house to show me. Here’s some pics of her snoozing.

    in reply to: Lucy -Border Collie pup #86536

    It’s true, Lucy is the Dalai Lama of dogs :) Thanks a million for bringing her to the vet girls, much appreciated by me and Lucy. Poor little puppy has doggie skin infection so she’s a little under the weather. She has a bit of a temperature and still very itchy but is eating well and lots of tail wagging so it’s just a matter of time before she starts to feel better.

    in reply to: Arnie 6mth old collie x #86398

    Arnie’s off tomorrow to his forever home. Mixed feelings as always, sad to say goodbye but delighted he’s off to a warm, happy household with another little pup as company. Best of luck little guy :)

    in reply to: Kevin – 8 week collie x pup #86363

    I can foster this little pup, I still have Arnie/Archie but he’s leaving tomorrow morning, If he still needs somewhere and Suzi and Gwen think it’s okay I could take from today if he’s not going to a forever home directly.

    in reply to: Arnie 6mth old collie x #86158

    Thanks for the tip, Arnie (a.k.a. Mr. Barky) slept through the night for the past two nights, hurray :D I think the t-shirt idea really helped, he just gave a short yip and that was it, he didn’t even wake up for the thunder last night!! He’s such a gentle little dog and is becoming more cuddly and affectionate every day. He’s also starting to come back when called (on the long leash) which is a good sign. He’s off to get neutered tomorrow, maybe then he’ll stop longing for a girlfriend and making romantic advances towards his pillow, ahem.

    in reply to: Arnie 6mth old collie x #86182

    Ha ha, the fast has finally broken! Arnie is now eating with relative gusto, putting his food in a kong seems to be his favourite way to eat, I think he likes the challenge :) A good day for Arnie, we’re still working on the nighttime barking, any suggestions welcomed.

    in reply to: Arnie 6mth old collie x #86126

    Arnie’s in good form despite being on hunger strike, he’s not impressed by any food except cheese. He doesn’t like doggie biscuits, doggie choc drops, doggie food, rice with gravy, egg, I wish I had his willpower with food. I’m trying to coax him to eat stuff but he just wants cheese :? He’s a bundle of energy though, loves playing with his toys when we’re around. He’s a dog who loves company, he gets very upset at being left on his own or outside even for a couple of minutes but he’s probably still a bit shell shocked at moving home. He’s quite the alarm clock at the moment (lots of early morning barking) but is very chilled out when he’s with people, just lies down and goes to sleep when he’s inside during the day. He’s very good on the lead, gets a bit over excited when he sees other dogs but just wants to play with them or meet the ladies:-) He slipped the lead today and I spent the next 45 mins trying to get him back, he thinks it’s a big game and won’t come back which is okay in the park but terrifying when he wandered out onto the road. Luckily it’s very quiet so it was alright but I’ve tightened his lead to make sure that never happens again. He’s also really well housetrained, he’s had no accidents at all since he’s arrived. He’s also become a bit of an acrobat, jumps up on the bathroom window sill and has gotten half his body in before being caught in the act, we’re wondering if he’s ambitions to become the first dog burglar.

    in reply to: Boo aka Junior – Border Collie Pup #86010

    Brilliant, he’s such a fantastic little dog, he made me laugh so much :D Delighted to hear how much fun he’s having with the family, it’s lovely to get updates, thanks sheila!

    in reply to: Arnie 6mth old collie x #86001

    Hey, I was delighted to help this pooch out and I need a dog to get me away from my thesis and out walking! Archie’s a beautiful dog and he has a really sweet temperment, very gentle and intelligent. He’s extremely athletic which I found out when he leapt up on the kitchen windowsill (which is no small feat) and scared the bejaysus out of me as I got his dinner ready! He’s really fun-loving and settled in right away, he was playing football with me in the back yard within an hour of arriving:-) He’s got a family already waiting for him which is great to hear, as soon as he’s neutered he’ll be off on his merry way.

    in reply to: Boo aka Junior – Border Collie Pup #85881

    Boo’s found his forever home and he’s moving there tomorrow :) I’ll really miss him, so will his fan club in the local park. He’s just been such a fantastic, intelligent, affectionate bundle of energy, he will be well loved in his new home.

    in reply to: Boo aka Junior – Border Collie Pup #83568

    Boo’s getting on great, he’s a big hit with everyone in the park and all my friends who meet him want to take him home. I’m training him to spend time in the crate at the moment, he’s doing great, was a bit reluctant at first but he’s settled down into it now, he’s chewing away contentedly on a toy and making the strangest noises :D His house training is coming along really well, still a few accidents at night but not for a while now during the day. I think he’d make a brilliant agility dog, i snuck him into the playground when there were no kids and we played jumping through hoops and walking on the little seesaw, he had a ball! I’ll get some more pics up this week.

    in reply to: Boo aka Junior – Border Collie Pup #83877

    Boo’s doing great, he’s younger than I thought originally, only about 3 months old so still really fuzzy:-) He’s good on the lead and comes back whenever he’s called, I think he’s getting to know his name. He’s a fairly quiet little pup but he barks at his own reflection in the window which is so cute! He’s really affectionate and comfortable with strangers. He’s quite the jumper, when he’s outside and I’m at the sink washing dishes every now and then I see his little black and white face appearing at my window as he leaps into the air to catch my attention. Very bouncy, energetic little boy who spends hours playing with his toys. He’s also great with kids and other dogs, really playful.

    in reply to: Boo aka Junior – Border Collie Pup #85672

    This little pup is an absolute sweetheart, he’s settled right in and is a pleasure to have around. He didn’t have a name when I collected him from the pound so I’ve actually called him Boo. He loves meeting new people and is very friendly and quite confident. He’s not housetrained but he’s a smart little cookie so I don’t think it will take long. I’ll try to post some pictures we took this evening.

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