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  • in reply to: Millie – Collie *Reserved* #86956

    Millie’s doing really well, she’s putting on weight and her dew claws don’t seem to bother her. She loves to be brushed and cuddled and is very good on the lead and has great recall. She’s such a lady, she just pads along behind you for most of the walk and then goes for a little wander and a sniff every now and again.She’ll need a bit of help learning to play nicely but she’s learned to put up with Boo and his constant harassment so I don’t think it will take long :) All my friends and family have fallen in love with her, I’ve assured them she’ll be going to a fantastic home just like she deserves. Boo will be heartbroken, he thinks she’s the best thing since sliced pan.

    in reply to: Millie – Collie *Reserved* #91869

    Millie’s settling in really well, our house is full of people and she’s a bit shy at first but comes up for a cuddle very quickly. She’s eating today and has more energy, she really enjoyed her walk but will try to slip her lead if she can! She’s a bit cranky with Boo but started playing with him today, I have to keep an eye on them but it’s mostly fine. She’s very loving, puts her head on your lap and just loves to be rubbed. She’s very polite with food and taking treats and she’s very well housetrained. She didn’t even mind me opening her mouth and popping medication down her gob. She’s very much a gentle lady for now! She’s on antibiotics for her infected paws and has a bit of a cough, hopefully these will clear up soon, she doesn’t seem that bothered. All in all a lovely dog, a great addition to a household.

    in reply to: Millie – Collie *Reserved* #91672

    I picked up this sweet little dog from the pound today and brought her to the vets. She has to stay in overnight to get her dewclaws removed as they’re both too infected to save so hopefully she will be more comfortable tomorrow when I pick her up to take her home for Christmas. She’s really sweet, she freaked out in the car but just lay down and wanted to be cuddled in the vet. She’s a beautiful dog, lovely wise eyes. With a bath and some feeding up she’s going to make a wonderful pet. I can’t believe someone would be so heartless to leave her but now she’s embarking on her new life so best not to dwell on her past. I’m looking forward to introducing her to Boo, I’ve told him he’s getting a girlfriend for Christmas, he wagged his tail in approval :)

    in reply to: Boo – (5 mt old border collie pup) *RESERVED* #89822

    Well, other people said it was a done deal a while ago but this weekend I realised that Boo had snuffled his way permanently into my heart and that he was well and truly my dog. Let this be a lesson to all fosterers, if they stay for a little while, it becomes impossible to say goodbye! I guess it came down to a change in my circumstances that allowed me to commit to giving Boo the best home I can, he’s my mate when I go walking, rollerblading, hiking and I couldn’t ask for more. I promise I’ll live up to my end of the bargain Boo, no more moving homes for you, where I go, you come too :) I’m looking forward to years of fun with this wonderful dog, he was at the vet today and she said he was so relaxed it was hard to examine him, he kept falling into her arms for cuddles!

    in reply to: Zoe (was Holly) #89403

    Hey Ben & Dee & boys,
    I’m so delighted to hear how Zoe’s doing, it’s lovely to hear about fosters that have stopped chez Botanic Avenue and she was definitely one of the gentlest souls that ever stayed with us! I had a great feeling about you and her, I love when it works out :) Well done for plumping her up, looking forward to seeing pics if you get a chance. Boo misses having a firm older sister to play with and put manners on him, he’s still bouncing off the walls! Thanks for the updates, all the best, Boo n C & G.

    in reply to: Boo – (5 mt old border collie pup) *RESERVED* #89166

    Ugh, I hate halloween firecrackers! Poor Boo nearly lost his mind out on a walk today, he must have heard a firework, I’ve honestly never seen him lose it like that, he went completely rasher, yelping, howling, tail between legs, flattened to the ground he crawled all the way home, it was really awful to see. :( He’s settled a bit at home this evening but he’s still on edge, fingers crossed he’ll realise he’s not in any danger over the next few days. Other than that he’s in fab form, charming the neighbours as always. :)

    in reply to: Jessie James – Collie x puppy #88151

    This is a gorgeous little pup, bundles of energy, loves hugs and just wants to have fun all the time! Him n Boo just didn’t make friends but he’s a total sweetheart, I’m delighted he’s getting on so well with his new foster home :) Best of luck little chap!

    in reply to: Boo – (5 mt old border collie pup) *RESERVED* #82706

    Boo’s doing really well at the moment, he just graduated from doggie obedience class this week:-) He’s learned how to sit, stay, leave, walk on a loose lead and recall. He’s so smart he was picking up on the tricks in only two or three goes and he got to the point where I can put food on his paws and he won’t touch it! He had an eye infection this week but it seems to be clearing up. He’s currently running at full tilt around the garden with his nylabone so I don’t think he’s feeling under the weather at all. :)

    in reply to: Holly -11 mth Collie X #88695

    Holly is such a lovely dog, she’s so friendly and gentle. She’s becoming quite playful and outgoing, she’s still a bit wary of new people, especially men but warms up to them quickly if she’s given a bit of space. She’s eating really well now and loves her bones. She’s very good with our other foster dog, so patient and calm but loves a really good run in the park. I think this dog would be a lovely addition to any family! She’s also got the prettiest face, her pictures don’t do her justice, I’ll try taking some more soon.

    in reply to: Dogs in Distress Fun Day 2009! #88680

    It was great to meet people and finally put faces to names :) Thanks for organising it everybody, Boo & Holly had a great time too.

    in reply to: Boo – (5 mt old border collie pup) *RESERVED* #88641

    Boo’s in flying form, he’s been going to agility and absolutely loving it. We also started doggie obedience training on Thursday and had a great evening. He’s so smart he’s picking up on what I want him to do really quickly but he’s still leaping into the air with enthusiasm when he gets excited :) He met our new foster dog Holly today and is a bit perplexed at her arrival, he can’t understand why she doesn’t want to play every single second of the day… He’s become a bit obsessed with herding birds in the sky, funny to look at but it takes over his walks at times so we’re trying to distract him as much as possible. I think another dog is just what he needs at the moment.

    in reply to: Boo – (5 mt old border collie pup) *RESERVED* #87857

    Boo got neutered on Monday but it didn’t take a feather out of him. So now he’s wandering round the house crashing into things with a bucket on his head. He’s pretty frustrated at his difficulties chewing his bone because of this but apart from that he’s in great form. He’s good friends with my last little foster Lucy and there’s lots of collies in the park, when they get together it’s like a little herd of them :D

    in reply to: Boo – (5 mt old border collie pup) *RESERVED* #87757

    Yep, I’d absolutely agree with Suzie, Boo’s a dog who needs people with a very active, outdoorsy lifestyle that he can join in with. At the moment he’s getting two hours running a day and he still has boundless energy to spare! I’m gonna bring him up to agility on saturday for some fun:-) This dog needs to be kept busy (physically and mentally) but it’s worth every single second, he’s so affectionate and playful, it’s wonderful to have him back.

    in reply to: Lucy -Border Collie pup #87167

    This little girl’s thread can go to Happy Endings, she left her foster home for her forever home this week. Such a gorgeous, fantastic pup, it was wonderful to see her get happier and healthier and more confident over the past few weeks, she was such a pleasure to foster :) She’s gone to a wonderful home and what’s even better, I just have to go for a walk in the park to see her and say hello!

    in reply to: Arnie 6mth old collie x #87165

    Yep, he looks fab, it’s great to hear how former foster dogs are doing, especially when they look as happy as Archie :)

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