Well it has been almost a year now and Susie has well and truely settled into her new home. She is an incredible dog and has made the house her own. She is now able to be let of the lead in the forest and will return ‘eventually’ when called, though I think it is more her decision then ours. She enjoys her walks/runs every day though is not one for the rain!!!
She has turned out to be the ideal family pet and is the first port of call for all who visit the house or indeed any house she visits.
Susie and her family would like to wish you all a very happy christmas. And a special thought for Emily and Family.
Philip, Stpeh, Rebecca and Susie 085.JPG 093.JPG 111.JPG
Susie is settling in to her new home. She is so well behaved and really loves her long walks and runs. We have been teaching her to return off the lead and she is really a very intelligent dog Christmas 2010 080.JPG